
2022-01-01 10:12:00 · 作者:编辑部  
2022年上半年英语六级作文范文赏析(汇总)  情景作文:教育文化  Directions: For this part, you are allowed 30 minutes



  Directions: For this part, you are allowed 30 minutes to write an essay commenting on the saying “As long as college students are cautious, real-world experience can greatly benefit their future careers.” You can cite one example or two to illustrate your point of view. You should write at least 150 words but no more than 200 words.


  The typical college student spends most of his or her time studying and, occasionally, participating in various sports or extracurricular activities. Increasingly, however, it has become common for university students to take on part-time jobs or even start their own businesses prior to graduation.

  Students who launch their own businesses or take on part-time jobs can gain valuable insight into their future career path. To illustrate, by taking a summer job as an accountant or marketing analyst, business majors could see whether a particular field interests them on more than an academic level. Despite the benefits to students of “getting their feet wet” in the business world, it is critical to maintain academic studies as a top priority. Students who already have a heavy course load should limit their number of work hours and, if possible, ask for a leave of absence during examination periods.

  Ultimately, every student must decide how best to allocate his o her time outside of class. For those with a manageable schedule, exploratory mind and entrepreneurial spirit, work experience prior to graduation can offer important career benefits –not to mention a paycheck.






  typical 典型的

  occasionally 有时候

  participate in 参加

  extracurricular activities 课外活动

  take on part-time jobs 兼职打工

  start/launch one’s own businesses 创业

  prior to 在……之前

  gain valuable insight 获得清晰的认识

  career path 职业道路

  marketing analyst 市场分析师

  business major 主修商业的学生

  academic level 学术角度

  getting their feet wet 获益匪浅

  business world 商界

  critical 关键的

  maintain 保持

  academic studies 学业

  top priority 首位

  heavy course load 繁重的课业

  ask for a leave of absence 请假

  ultimately 最终

  allocate 分配

  with a manageable schedule 合理安排时间

  exploratory mind 探索精神

  entrepreneurial spirit 创业理想

  offer important benefits 使受益匪浅

  not to mention 更别提

  paycheck 薪水


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