
2022-11-21 05:00:29 · 作者:编辑部  



  1. She met with no challenge because her arguments sound facts.

  A) put forward B) rested on C) made for D) conjured up

  2. The teacher tried to explain the problem but her explanation did not to the students.

  A) get across B) come around C) go by D) make out

  3. It was such a hot day that everyone swimming in the river.

  A) tended to B) was inclined to C) made for D) felt like

  4. Old Mr. Brown’s condition looks very serious and it is doubtful if he will .

  A) pull through B) pull up C) pull back D) pull out

  5. We often advise him not to drink more wine is good for his health.

  A) as B) than C) that D) but

  6. Please your remarks to the topic under discussion.

  A) confess B) confirm C) confuse D) confine

  7. Several special programs were designed to disadvantaged youths aged 16-21 to become more responsible, employable, and productive.

  A) resist B) insist C) persist D) assist

  8. He was at the of his career when he was killed in a traffic accident.

  A) glamour B) extreme C) bloom D) peak

  9. When do you think the President will you in office?

  A) locate B) confirm C)reinforce D)qualify

  10. Mary went through the report carefully to all spelling mistakes from it.

  A) diminish B) withdraw C) eliminate D) abandon


  1.短语辨析B) rest on近似于depend on, rely on或be based on;A)put forward“提出;推荐” put sb. forward as a candidate推举某人为候选人;C) make for“走向,扑向;有助于”;D) conjured up“想象,想出”conjure up the happy past想起幸福的往事。她没有遇到质疑,因为她的论点是建立在可靠基础之上的。

  2.动词词组辨析A) get across“被理解,被接受”;B) come around“复苏,康复;顺便来访”;C) go by“(时间)过去;遵守,遵循” go by traffic rules遵守交通规则;D) make out“开出;辨认出;理解”。 老师试图解释这个问题,但她的解释未被学生理解。

  3.短语动词辨析feel like表示“想要”,后面只能接动名词;tend to“倾向于,往往”,后接动词原形;be inclined to “倾向于,欲”,后接动词原形;make for“向/朝…走去”。天气这么热,大家都想在河里游泳。

  4.短语动词辨析pull through “使渡过难关,康复”;pull up“停下,停”;pull back“拉回”;pull out“拔出”。


  5.比较从句该题较难理解。根据句中more一词选择than填入空格,后面所接的句子中省略句子主语it。再如:You have made more efforts than is necessary 我们经常建议他不要喝太多的酒,对他的身体不利。



  8.名词辨析D) peak“山峰;顶点”at the peak of one’s success在成就的顶峰;A) glamour“魅力;诱惑力”;B) extreme“尽头,末端”in the extreme极其;C) bloom“开花;青春焕发”in the bloom of youth风华正茂。他命丧车祸时正值事业顶峰。

  9.动词辨析B) confirm“证实;确认;批准”;A) locate“找出,查到”;C)reinforce“增强,加强”;D) qualify“使具有资格,使胜任”This experience qualified him for a promotion.这次经历使他有资格得到晋升。你认为总统什么时候会批准你的任职?

  10.动词辨析A) diminish“减少”,但不能和from构成搭配;B) withdraw“撤消,撤退”;C) eliminate“去除,消除”;D) abandon“放弃,抛弃”。玛丽仔细看了一遍报告以去除其中所有的错误。


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