
2018-12-18 15:52:27 · 作者:编辑部  







  Millions die early from air pollution each year. Air pollution costs the global economy more than $5 trillion annually in welfare costs,with the most serious 26 occurring in the developing world. The figures include a number of costs 27 with air pollution. Only considering lost income alone amounts to $225 billion a year.

  The report includes both indoor and outdoor air pollution. Indoor pollution,which includes 28 like home heating and cooking,has remained 29 over the past several decades despite advances in the area. Levels of outdoor pollution have grown rapidly along with rapid growth in industry and transportation. Director of Institute for Health Metrics and Evaluation Chris Murray 30 it as an “urgent call to action” . “One of the risk factors for premature deaths is the air we breathe,over which individuals have little 31,”he said.

  The effects of air pollution are worst in the developing world,where in some places lost labor income 32 nearly 1% of GDP. Around 9 and 10 people in low and middle income countries live in places where they 33 experience dangerous levels of outdoor air pollution.

  But the problem is not limited 34 to the developing world. Thousands die prematurely in the U.S.as a result of related ailments. In many European countries,where diesel 35 have become more common in recent years,that number reaches in the tens of thousands.


  26. F damage

  27. B associated

  28. M sources

  29. D constant

  30. G described

  31. E control

  32. H equals

  33. K regularly

  34. I exclusively

  35. O vehicles


  26. F damage 空格处在with复合结构中,空格前为形容词serious,可判断空格缺少名词,前半句讲空气污染每年给全球经济造成超过5万亿美元的福利成本,故可知空格处填damage,对发展中国家造成最大的伤害。

  27. B associated 空格后面为介词with,可考虑固定搭配,又因为The figures include a number of costs结构不缺,故可以考虑空格后为后置定语修饰costs,排除选项可知选择associated,associated with和……有联系为固定搭配,原文意思是“这个数字包括了与空气污染相关的很多花费”。

  28. M sources 空格处在一个定语从句中,故可判断缺少宾语,为名词,而根据like home heating and cooking居家取暖和烹饪,可推出答案为sources来源,其余名词可排除。

  29. D constant 空格前的remained为系动词,故可推断空格缺少一个形容词,根据句意 has remained 29 over the past several decades可知,居家取暖和烹饪这样的室内污染在过去的数十年仍在继续,故答案为constant,其余可排除。

  30. G described 根据空格处的这句话Director of Institute for Health Metrics and Evaluation Chris Murray 30 it as an "urgent call to action.” 可推出空格处缺少谓语动词,且时态为过去时并可以和as搭配,把选项往里带可判断答案为described,describe…as把……描述为。

  31. E control根据 over which individuals have little 31 可判断此处定语从句中缺少能被little修饰的宾语,并可以构成have little over sth,带入选项可知,答案为control,“过早死亡的危险因素之一就是我们呼吸的空气,个人对其几乎没有控制权”。

  32. H equals 空格在一个定语从句中,根据 lost labor income 32 nearly 1% of GDP可判断缺少谓语动词,并且和数字有关,句意“空气污染对发展中国家最为严重,在一些地方,劳动收入的损失相当于GDP的近1%”,故选equals。

  33. K regularly 根据空格处where they 33 experience dangerous levels of outdoor air pollution判断不缺少成分,故考虑可以修饰动词experience的副词,句意“在低收入和中等收入国家,大约9到10人生活在经常遭受室外空气污染的地方”,故选regularly。

  34. I exclusively 空格处不缺少成分,故考虑副词,But the problem is not limited 34 exclusively to the developing world. 句意为“这个问题并仅仅不局限于发展中国家”,把选项带入,故exclusively合适。

  35. O vehicles 空格处是一个定语从句where diesel 35 have become more common in recent years,分析句子结构可知,缺少一个可以和diesel搭配的名词,又因为动词have 唯美复数,故该名词为复数名词,句意为“柴油 近年来变得越来越普遍”, 将选项带入只有vehicles机动车合适,故选O vehicles。


  26. I remedies

  27. D inconvenience

  28. H recommended

  29. C hesitant

  30. 0 worse

  31. B experiences

  32. J scared

  33. M pressured

  34. L sink

  35. E lessen


  26. I warning

  27. B convenience

  28. F particularly

  29. L surveyed

  30. C effectively

  31. E intimate

  32. J unfriendly

  33. K specific

  34. G primary

  35. A avoid

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