
2021-10-11 20:49:46 · 作者:编辑部  




  2020年12月四级第1套听力conversation 1解析

  新东方沈阳学校 张诚


  W: Raise Solar. Lisa’s speaking. How can I help?

  M: Hi, my name is Winston. (8)I wish to inquire about solar panel installations.

  W: Yes, what would you like to know?

  M: (9)Well, my neighbor installed panels on his roof about a year ago in order to power his hot water. He tells me it has saved him over five hundred dollars thus far. Does that sound about right to you?

  W: Well. I'm not familiar with your neighbor or his particular setup, but that amount is definitely possible. I can tell you that the average four-bedroom house may typically have a roof with fifty square meters of surface area. Four panels on one side of that roof could save a family of four, around three hundred dollars a year.

  M: Ok. That sounds about right then. My house is about the size you described. but my neighbor’s is bigger. I'm not sure how many panels he has up there, but he does have a large family of six.

  W: Are you interested in installing some solar panels on your roof, Sir?

  M: Yes. I’m considering it.

  W: If you wish to come into our office, we could show you the different solutions we offer.

  M: Ok. I might do that, but just quickly, (10)if you don't mind, could you tell me approximately how much a typical installation costs, like, say, four panels?

  W: Prices do vary depending on different factors, but as a rough estimate, it's around two thousand dollars. (11)But you know, a typical household will make back that initial investment in about five years.

  M: Ok. I see. Thank you.

  Question 8: What is the man's purpose for calling the woman?

  Question 9: What do we learn about the man's neighbor from the conversation?

  Question 10: What is one of the man's chief concerns?

  Question 11: How long will it take a typical household to make back the initial investment?




  Q8.符合开头出第一题的原则。直接用I wish表达想要做的事情。同义词替换部分为;I wish [我希望] = the purpose of [..的目的的是…]

  Q9. 符合“对话中出现第三者要注意的特点”, 这篇文章中的男的提到他的邻居,要注意提到的事情。所以很容易分析出答案为「安装这个太阳能板省钱的这个句子]

  Q10.符合『对话中的问句要注意的』的原则,只要注意到后边的问句中的how much就知道这个题选择什么了。

  Q11. 注意【转折词but】,很明显答案是five years.






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