
2021-10-11 20:49:48 · 作者:编辑部  




  2020年12月四级第1套听力conversation 2解析

  新东方沈阳学校 张丽丽


  M:Good afternoon, Sorry I have kept you waiting, How can I help you?

  W: Oh,No problem. I am interested in booking a holiday to Australia. I wondered if you could tell me what deals do you have?

  M: Sure,are you only looking for flights or package holiday with everything included?

  W: When you say everything, What do you mean?

  M:Well,a package holiday will include flights,hotels,meals,day trips to different places and the transport to and from the airport.

  W: Yes,that sounds pretty good, I am going with my family.so it will be nice to have everything taken care of. So, what is the rate of deal do you have for package holidays then?

  M:How long will you go for and what days ?

  W:Two weeks,around Christmas will be great.

  M: Ok, let me check that for you. Here is one, fourteen nights in southern and eastern of Australia,five nights in Sydney and five nights Austria and five days in Melbourne,and for the rest of four nights you can choose from the list of trips other places nearby you could visit Canberra , for example, or the blue mountains or you could go for a drive down to the great ocean road. Also, if you are interested in wine you could go on a tour of the places where they grow grapes and made wine

  W: That sounds great. That is great we can choose some activities ourselves.

  Q12. Where does the conversation take place?

  Q13. Why is the woman interested in package holidays?

  Q14. How long does the woman want to go for the holiday?

  Q15. What does the woman say she likes about the holiday package?




  Q12. 根据听力问题中的关键词“Where does the conversation take place”可知,此题考查的是对话发生场景的题。根据文章中 “book a holiday”“flights”“hotels”所以推测对话场景发生的是旅行社travel agency内。

  Q13. 根据Why is the woman interested in package holidays,定位到原文女性说话处,“Yes, that sounds pretty good ”后文解释了女性喜欢package holiday 的原因I am going with my family.so it will be nice to have everything taken care of.。

  Q14.根据How long does the woman want to go for the holiday回到原文定位听到Two weeks直接勾选即可。

  Q11. 最后一题属于四道题中比较难的,根据What does the woman say she likes about the holiday package?中关键词“she likes”可以推知问题问的是女性喜欢什么方面?直接定位到文章最后一句话That is great we can choose some activities ourselves.






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