
2012-11-09 00:00:00 · 作者:编辑部  
   How is your mental?

Nowadays more and more people of all ages are trapped in mental problems.And it's one of the most important reasons which lead to mental desease.About this phenomenon,we should treat it seriously.
  Have you imaged the main reason how it becomes so frequently that so many people face this preblem?In my opinion,the main reason is that there are too many pressure people have to load,such as the pressure of losing jobs,the lack of communication,tha lack of support,etc.
  Everyone has his own problem in his life.What we have to learn is to relax ourselves to release pressure,otherwise we will not be happy in our daily life.As the saying goes,"All work no play makes Jack a dull boy."We shoule put that into practice well to live a happier life.

  How is your mental?

Nowadays more and more people of all ages are trapped in mental problems.And it's one of the most important reasons which lead to mental desease(拼写错误,改为disease.About this phenomenon,we should treat it seriously.
  Have you imaged the main reason how it becomes so frequently that(改为why) so many people face this preblem(拼写错误,改为problem)? In my opinion,the main reason is that there are too many pressure people have to load, such as the pressure of losing jobs, the lack of communication, (and)the lack of support,etc.
  Everyone has his own problem in his life.What we have to learn is to relax ourselves to release pressure,otherwise we will not be happy in our daily life.As the saying goes,"All work no play makes Jack a dull boy."We shoule(拼写错误,改为should) put that into practice well (放到into 前面)to live a happier life.

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