2012-02-09 00:00:00 · 作者:编辑部
A: Billy is always bragging about his success.
B: Ah, he is still young, be patient with him.
v. 自夸,吹嘘
A: Would you like a brandy?
B: No, thanks. It is too early for a drink.
n. 白兰地酒
A: What happened to Peter? I see that he broke his arm.
B: Oh, he got into a brawl on the street last night.
n./vi. 争吵,打架
A: Why are you home from work? It is early.
B: I could not stand it anymore and was forced to breach my contract.
n. 1.破坏,违反;2.(关系的)破裂,不和; 3. 缺口,裂口
vt. 1.攻破, 在…造成缺口; 2.破坏,违反
A: Sorry I am late, there was a breakdown on the road.
B: Not to worry, the class has not started yet.
n. 1.垮台,破裂;2.(健康,精神等)衰竭,衰弱; 3.(机器等的)损坏,故障; 4分类
A: Finally, a breakthrough in my science experiment.
B: Great, all your hard work has finally paid off.
n. 突破,突破性进展,重要的新发现
A: Will you put the tea on to brew please?
B: Sure, in a few minutes.
A: After failing the exam he brewed for four days.
B: And is he feeling better now?
A: Is this a strong brew?
B: No, it is fairly weak.
vt. 1.酿造(啤酒); 2.冲泡(茶,咖啡等)
vi. 1.(茶,咖啡等)冲泡; 2.酝酿,行将发生
n. 冲泡(或酿造)的饮料
A: Billy is always bragging about his success.
B: Ah, he is still young, be patient with him.
v. 自夸,吹嘘
A: Would you like a brandy?
B: No, thanks. It is too early for a drink.
n. 白兰地酒
A: What happened to Peter? I see that he broke his arm.
B: Oh, he got into a brawl on the street last night.
n./vi. 争吵,打架
A: Why are you home from work? It is early.
B: I could not stand it anymore and was forced to breach my contract.
n. 1.破坏,违反;2.(关系的)破裂,不和; 3. 缺口,裂口
vt. 1.攻破, 在…造成缺口; 2.破坏,违反
A: Sorry I am late, there was a breakdown on the road.
B: Not to worry, the class has not started yet.
n. 1.垮台,破裂;2.(健康,精神等)衰竭,衰弱; 3.(机器等的)损坏,故障; 4分类
A: Finally, a breakthrough in my science experiment.
B: Great, all your hard work has finally paid off.
n. 突破,突破性进展,重要的新发现
A: Will you put the tea on to brew please?
B: Sure, in a few minutes.
A: After failing the exam he brewed for four days.
B: And is he feeling better now?
A: Is this a strong brew?
B: No, it is fairly weak.
vt. 1.酿造(啤酒); 2.冲泡(茶,咖啡等)
vi. 1.(茶,咖啡等)冲泡; 2.酝酿,行将发生
n. 冲泡(或酿造)的饮料
[词汇] 六级考试必会短语总结 四级考试必备核心词汇
[语法] 四六级考试7大核心语法 攻克四六级语法必备练习
[写作] 四级写作备考必背高分句型 六级写作分段逐句指导
[听力] 听力得分技巧:注意4方面 名师指导四六级考试听力
[阅读] 名师屠皓民讲解六级阅读技巧:快速阅读 精细阅读
[综合] 英语四级考试完形填空最后攻略:单词为重 研习真题
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