121. pertinent a. 有关的 =relevant>skills ~ to the profession
122. plead v. 恳求;(法庭)申诉
123. ponder v. 思考 She ~ed his marriage proposal for a week.
124. portray v. 描绘=describe/depict
125. precede v. 先于
126. precedent n. 先例
127. preclude n. 阻止 (from)
128. predecessor n. 前任
129. predominant a. 主导的
130. premise n. 前提 >your ~ is wrong.
131. prescription n. 处方
132. prestige n. 威望> enjoy high ~
133. prevalent a. 流行的
134. prey n. 捕获物
135. probe v. 探究>~ a matter to the bottom
136. proficiency n. 熟练
137. profound a. 深刻的; 深奥的
138. prolong v. 延长
139. prospective a. 预期的,未来的 >his ~ father in law
140. provocative a. 挑衅的>His ~ language provoked Peter.
141. random a. 随意的 at ~
142. reap v. 收获 =harvest>reap crops
143. reassure v. 使放心
144. reconcile v. 使和解
145. rectify v. 纠正
146. refrain from v. 抑制
147. refute v. 驳倒
148. remainder n. 剩余的部分
149. repel v. 使厌恶;击退;排斥>The odor ~s me./The odor can ~ mosquito.
150. reproach v. 责备=blame
151. resemblance v. 相似
152. resent v. 怨恨 >He resented being called his nickname.
153. retort v. 反驳
154. retrieve v. 取回(get back, bring back)
155. reunion n. 团聚=get together>an occasion for family ~
156. revelation n. 揭示
157. revive v. 使复苏>~ economy
158. rigorous a. 严格的 ~ training for doctors
159. rip v. 撕裂
160. ritual n. 仪式=ceremony/routine>His morning ~ is to make coffee, take a shower and have breakfast.
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