2015-07-14 17:14:40 · 作者:编辑部
at all events 无论如何 at any rate 无论如何 in the event of(=in case of)万一 with the exception of (apar..
at all events 无论如何 at any rate 无论如何
in the event of(=in case of)万一
with the exception of (apart from) 除去…., 除…以外
in excess of超过
exchange…for 以…交换
exert oneself to do sth. 努力
come into existence开始存在
beyond expression无法形容
go to extremes 走极端
in the twinkling of an eye 一眨眼,转眼间
keep faith with 对…守信用
lose faith in 对…失去信心
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