27.Under the present system, state enterprises must ______ all profits to the government.
A) turn down
B) turn up
C) turn out
D) turn in
28.Oil companies in the U.S. are already beginning to feel the pressure. Refinery workers and petroleum-equipment-manufacturing employees are being _______.
A) laid out
B) laid off
C) laid down
D) laid aside
29.We'll ______ you for any damage done to your house while we are in it.
A) compensate
B) remedy
C) supplement
D) retrieve
30.She cut her hair short and tried to ______ herself as a man.
A) decorate
B) disguise
C) fabricate
D) fake
1. Starting with the ________ that there is life on the planet Mars, the scientist went on to develop his argument.
A) premise
B) pretext
C) foundation
D) presentation
2. After several nuclear disasters, a ________ has raged over the safety of nuclear energy.
A) quarrel
B) suspicion
C) verdict
D) controversy
3. Their diplomatic principles completely laid bare their ________ for world conquest.
A) admiration
B) ambition
C) administration
27. D 参考译文:在现有的体制下国有企业必须把所有的利润上交给政府。
A) turn down 拒绝
B) turn up 出现
C) turn out 结果
D) turn in 上缴
28.B 参考译文:美国的石油公司已开始感到压力巨大,正在裁减炼油工人和加工石油的的雇员。
A) lay out 设计,展开
B) lay off 解雇
C) lay down 制定,放弃
D) lay aside 把...搁置在一边
29.A 参考译文:我们居住期间对你房子所造成的任何损坏,我们会赔偿你的。
A) compensate 赔偿
B) remedy 补偿
C) supplement 补充
D) retrieve 取回
30.B 参考译文:她把头发剪短,试图假扮成一个男人。
A) decorate 装饰
B) disguise 伪装
C) fabricate 制作
D) fake 伪造
1. A 参考译文:以火星上有生命存在这一假设开始,那位科学家继续进行论证。
A) premise 前提
B) pretext 借口
C) foundation 基础
D) presentation 陈述
2. D 参考译文:发生几次核灾难之后,关于核能安全的问题引起了一场激烈的争论。
A) quarrel 争吵
B) suspicion 怀疑
C) verdict 判决
D) controversy 争议
3. B 参考译文:他们的外交原则完全暴露了他们要征服世界的野心。
A) admiration 羡慕
B) ambition 野心
C) administration 管理
D)orientation 定向
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