
2016-10-07 13:30:00 · 作者:编辑部  


  A: You are not looking very well at the moment.

  B: Yeah, I had a nasty bout of food poisoning last week.

  bout n. 1. (疾病等的)侵袭,发作;2. 一次,一阵,一回; 3. 拳击(或摔跤)比赛

  A: Doctor, I have been having some bowel problems lately.

  B: Well, sit down and I will see what I can do.

  bowel n. 1. 肠;2. [pl.]内部,深处

  A: I enjoy bowling and usually play on Sunday afternoon.

  B: I’d love to join you next week.

  bowling n. 保龄球运动

  A: The students set up a boycott outside the school gates.

  B: Why? What was the problem?

  boycott vt./n. (联合)抵制,拒绝参与

  A: I broke my leg and had to wear a brace for two months.

  B: That must have been very painful.

  brace vt. 1. 使防备,使受锻炼;2. 支住,撑牢;3. 使绷紧

  n. 支架,托架

  A: That is a beautiful bracelet that you are wearing.

  B: Thanks, it was my grandmother’s.

  bracelet n. 手镯,臂镯

  A: Excuse me, sir, but should this sentence be put in brackets?

  B: No, they are not necessary.

  A: The bookshelves are falling down.

  B: That is because you did not bracket them to the wall.

  bracket n. 1. 括号;2. (年龄,收入等的)等级段,档次;3.壁架,托架

  vt. 1. 把…置于括号内;2. 把…归入同一类

  A: Billy is always bragging about his success.

  B: Ah, he is still young, be patient with him.

  brag v. 自夸,吹嘘

  A: Would you like a brandy?

  B: No, thanks. It is too early for a drink.

  brandy n. 白兰地酒

  A: What happened to Peter? I see that he broke his arm.

  B: Oh, he got into a brawl on the street last night.

  brawl n./vi. 争吵,打架

  A: Why are you home from work? It is early.

  B: I could not stand it anymore and was forced to breach my contract.

  breach n. 1. 破坏,违反;2. (关系的)破裂,不和;3. 缺口,裂口

  vt. 1. 攻破,在…造成缺口;2. 破坏,违反

  A: Sorry I am late, there was a breakdown on the road.

  B: Not to worry, the class has not started yet.

  breakdown n. 1. 垮台,破裂;2. (健康,精神等)衰竭,衰弱;3. (机器等的)损坏,故障;4. 分类

  A: Finally, a breakthrough in my science experiment.

  B: Great, all your hard work has finally paid off.

  breakthrough n. 突破,突破性进展,重要的新发现

  A: Will you put the tea on to brew please?

  B: Sure, in a few minutes.

  A: After failing the exam he brewed for four days.

  B: And is he feeling better now?

  A: Is this a strong brew?

  B: No, it is fairly weak.

  brew vt. 1. 酿造(啤酒);2. 冲泡(茶,咖啡等)

  vi. 1. (茶,咖啡等)冲泡;2. 酝酿,行将发生

  n. 冲泡(或酿造)的饮料

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