
2017-08-10 17:48:44 · 作者:编辑部  
151 escalate [& 39;eskəleɪt]  v ①升级 ②升高,增强  ✎ 示例:  Her fear was escalating into panic 她的害怕

  151. escalate ['eskəleɪt]

  v.①升级 ②升高,增强

  ✎ 示例:

  Her fear was escalating into panic.她的害怕逐渐变成了惊慌。

  152. etiquette ['etɪket]


  ✎ 示例:

  Before you have a dinner date with a beautiful girl, you should learn some eating etiquette. 在你与一个漂亮女孩晚餐约会之前,你应该学习一些用餐礼仪。

  153. evade [ɪ'veɪd]

  vt.①逃避 ②回避

  ✎ 示例:

  You can't go on evading your responsibilities in this way. 你不能继续这样逃避责任。

  154. exponent [ɪk'spəʊnənt]

  n.①解说者 ②倡导者

  ✎ 示例:

  He is a leading exponent of test-tube baby techniques. 他是一位试管婴儿技术的主要倡导者。

  155. faction ['fækʃ(ə)n]

  n.①派别,宗派 ②派系斗争

  ✎ 示例:

  A peace agreement will be signed by the leaders of the country's warring factions. 一项和平协议将由该国交战各派领导们签署。

  156. fiscal ['fɪsk(ə)l]

  a.①国库的 ②(政府)财政的

  ✎ 示例:

  The accountants audited the company's books at the end of the fiscal year. 财政年度结束时,会计师们审查了公司的账册。

  157. flirt [flɜːt]


  ✎ 示例:

  When did you last flirt with him or tease him? 你上次和他调情或挑逗他是什么时候?

  158. foe [fəʊ]


  ✎ 示例:

  But he soon discovers that his old foe may be leading him into a trap.但他很快发现他的老对头也许正把他引入圈套。

  159. forfeit ['fɔːfɪt]


  ✎ 示例:

  By being absent from the trial, he forfeited the right to appeal. 因审判缺席,他丧失了上诉权。

  160. fortify ['fɔːtɪfaɪ]

  vt.①防卫 ②增加营养价值

  ✎ 示例:

  We fortified ourselves with a breakfast of bacon and eggs. 我们给自己补充能量,早餐吃了培根和鸡蛋。

  161. franchise ['fræntʃaɪz]

  n.①特许经销权 ②选举权

  ✎ 示例:

  The beer is brewed under franchise. 这种啤酒根据特许经营权酿造。

  162. futile ['fjuːtaɪl]


  ✎ 示例:

  It was futile to continue the negotiations. 继续谈判下去也是枉然。

  163. genre [ˈʒɒnrə]


  ✎ 示例:

  He shows his love of films and novels in the horror genre. 他表达了他对恐怖体裁电影和小说的热爱。

  164. glacier ['glæsiə]


  ✎ 示例:

  The glacier dislocated great stones. 冰川使许多大石块移位了。

  165. gospel ['gɒsp(ə)l]

  n.①福音书 ②真理,信条

  ✎ 示例:

  Missionaries were sent to preach the Gospel. 传教士被派出去传福音。

  166. greed [griːd]


  ✎ 示例:

  The satire aimed at modern greed. 讽刺针对现代贪婪。

  167. harass ['hærəs]


  ✎ 示例:

  A woman reporter complained one of them sexually harassed her in the locker room.一名女记者抱怨说,他们当中的一个在更衣室里对她进行了性骚扰。

  168. haven ['heɪvən]


  ✎ 示例:

  The riverbanks are a haven for wildlife.河的两岸是野生动物的乐土。

  169. havoc ['hævək]


  ✎ 示例:

  The sudden onset of winter caused havoc with rail and air transport.冬天的突然降临让铁路和航空运输系统陷入混乱。

  170. hectic ['hektɪk]

  a.①兴奋的 ②(因发烧而)脸红的

  ✎ 示例:

  Despite his hectic work schedule, Benny has rarely suffered poor health. 尽管工作安排很紧张,班尼却少有健康不佳的时候。

  171. herald ['herəld]

  n.预兆vt.①预示 ②公开称zan

  ✎ 示例:

  I welcome the report as a herald of more freedom. 我欢迎这份报告,认为它预示着更多的自由。

  172. hockey ['hɒki]


  ✎ 示例:

  They were playing at hockey. 他们正在打曲棍球。

  173. humid ['hjuːmɪd]


  ✎ 示例:

  Visitors can expect hot and humid weather conditions. 游客们会遇到炎热潮湿的天气状况。

  174. humiliate [hjʊ'mɪlieɪt]


  ✎ 示例:

  They break up with you, fire you, leave you, or humiliate you.他们和你断绝关系,开除你,离开你,或者羞辱你。

  175. hurdle ['hɜːdl]

  n.①栏架 ②障碍v.(跑步过程中)跨越

  ✎ 示例:

  He crossed the lawn and hurdled the short fence.他穿过草坪,越过低矮的栅栏。

  176. hybrid ['haɪbrɪd]

  n.①杂种动物 ②混合体

  ✎ 示例:

  Hybrids, unlike pure electric cars, never need to be plugged in.混合动力汽车,不像纯电动汽车,从不需要接电源。

  177. hygiene ['haɪdʒiːn]


  ✎ 示例:

  Hygiene has evolved into preventive medicine.卫生学已逐渐发展成为预防医学。

  178. hypocrisy [hɪ'pɒkrɪsi]


  ✎ 示例:

  He accused newspapers of hypocrisy in their treatment of the story.他指责报纸在处理这篇报道时所表现出的虚伪。

  179. idol ['aɪdl]

  n.①偶像 ②神像

  ✎ 示例:

  A great cheer went up from the crowd as they caught sight of their idol.一看见他们的偶像,人群中爆发出一阵热烈的欢呼声。

  180. imminent ['ɪmɪnənt]


  ✎ 示例:

  There appeared no imminent danger. 眼前似乎没有危险。

  181. incumbent [ɪn'kʌmbənt]

  a.现任的 n.现任者

  ✎ 示例:

  In general, incumbents have a 94 percent chance of being re-elected. 一般情况下,现任官员有94%的几率会再次当选。

  182. indebted [ɪn'detɪd]

  a.①负债的 ②感恩的

  ✎ 示例:

  I am deeply indebted to him for his help. 我对他的帮助深深感激。

  183. indict [ɪn'daɪt]


  ✎ 示例:

  He was indicted for vehicular homicide in 1987. 1987年他被控犯有车祸致人死命罪。

  184. indigenous [ɪn'dɪdʒ(ə)nəs]


  ✎ 示例:

  It affects water flow, electricity generation, transport, water quality and indigenous biodiversity. 它影响水流、发电、运输、水质和本土的生物多样性。

  185. inmate ['ɪnmeɪt]


  ✎ 示例:

  A comely woman coach jogs alongside an inmate in the prison yard. 一个清秀的女子教练和一名犯人一起在监狱院子里慢跑。

  186. interrogate [ɪn'terəgeɪt]


  ✎ 示例:

  The police took a long time to interrogate the offenders fully. 警察花了很长时间对人犯进行了详细的审问。

  187. jargon ['dʒɑːgən]


  ✎ 示例:

  Keep it simple and avoid the use of jargon. 简单点,避免使用术语。

  188. jockey ['dʒɒki]


  ✎ 示例:

  The rival political parties are already jockeying for power. 各反对党已经在不择手段地谋取权势了。

  189. jolly ['dʒɒli]


  ✎ 示例:

  We had a jolly time with the family. 我们和家人在一起过得很愉快。

  190. jurisdiction [,dʒʊərɪs'dɪkʃ(ə)n]

  n.①司法权 ②管辖权

  ✎ 示例:

  The committee has jurisdiction over all tax measures. 这个委员会有权制定所有税收措施。

  191. knight [naɪt]


  ✎ 示例:

  The knight felt no fear in the midst of battle. 那武士在战斗中丝毫不感到惧怕。

  192. knowhow ['nəʊhaʊ]


  ✎ 示例:

  We are a modern country with technological knowhow and we want to communicate this to therest of the world. 我们是一个在此方面有技术诀窍的现代国家,我们想与世界各地的人们交流。

  193. lavish ['lævɪʃ]


  ✎ 示例:

  We were always lavish with financial aid in times of crisis. 危难时刻我们总是慷慨解囊。

  194. legacy ['legəsi]

  n.①遗产 ②遗留问题,后遗症

  ✎ 示例:

  The invasion left a legacy of hatred and fear. 这次入侵留下的是仇恨和恐惧。

  195. lenient ['liːniənt]


  ✎ 示例:

  The judge was lenient with the wrongdoer. 法官对这个犯人很宽大。

  196. lime [laɪm]


  ✎ 示例:

  Lime in the soil is detrimental to some plants.土壤里的石灰对某些植物有害。

  197. limelight ['laɪmlaɪt]


  ✎ 示例:

  Tad loves being in the limelight.塔德喜欢成为公众关注的焦点。

  198. linguistic [lɪŋ'gwɪstɪk]


  ✎ 示例:

  The ability to write is a supreme test of linguistic competence. 写作能力是对语言能力的最高形式的测试。

  199. livestock ['laɪvstɒk]


  ✎ 示例:

  If we manage our livestock and interactions with animals well, that means we protect ourselves. 如果我们管理好我们的牲畜以及与动物的互动,那就意味着我们保护了自己。

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