
2021-09-22 08:13:00 · 作者:编辑部  
2021年下半年英语六级词汇短语复习(汇总)  keep on good terms 保持友好关系  keep terms with sb 同某人交往  make t


  keep on good terms 保持友好关系

  keep terms with sb. 同某人交往

  make terms 达成协议

  put to the test 使受试验,使受检验

  stand the test 经受住考验

  no more than 仅仅,只是

  no other than 除…外没有;只有

  no thanks to 并非由于

  thanks to 由于

  and all that 诸如此类

  at that 就那样,就这样;而且

  in that 既然;因为

  that is 就是说;即(略为i.e)

  over there 在那里(指较远处)

  there and then 当时当地

  be thick with 充满;与(某人)很亲密

  think better of 对…有更高的评价

  think of 考虑;记得;认为

  think of...as 把…看作是,以为…是

  think out 彻底地想一想

  think over 仔细考虑

  think through 思考…直到得出结论

  think twice 重新考虑

  think up 发明;设计出

  on second thoughts 经重新考虑后

  take thought for 对…担心;对…挂念

  throw about 到处扔;转向航行

  be up against 面临(困难等)

  up and doing 活泼,敏捷;忙碌

  up to 直到;从事于;轮到

  come into use 开始被使用

  in use 在使用着

  make use of 利用,使用

  put to use 使用,利用

  use up 用完,耗尽;花完

  used to[ju:st t2u](过去)经常

  be used to['ju:stu]习惯于

  be very useful at 精通

  be useful to 对…有益

  as usual 像往常一样,照例


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