
2021-10-21 10:00:00 · 作者:编辑部  
2021年下半年英语六级词汇练习及答案解析(汇总)  20 The prospect of increased prices has already ______ worries   A)


  20.The prospect of increased prices has already ______ worries.

  A) provoked

  B) irritated

  C) inspired

  D) hoisted

  21.The suspect ______ that he had not been in the neighbourhood at the time of the crime.

  A) advocated

  B) alleged

  C) addressed

  D) announced

  22.Although the colonists ______ to some extent with the native Americans , the Indians' influence on American culture and language was not extensive.

  A) migrated

  B) matched

  C) mingled

  D) melted

  23.E-mail is a convenient, highly democratic informal medium for conveying messages that _______ well to human needs.

  A) adheres

  B) reflects

  C) conforms

  D) satisfies

  24.The wings of the bird still ______ after it had been shot down.

  A) slapped

  B) scratched

  C) flapped

  D) fluctuated

  25.The disagreement over trade restrictions could seriously ?______ relations between the two countries.

  A) tumble

  B) jeopardize

  C) manipulate

  D) intimidate

  26.When you put up wallpaper, should you ______ the edges or put them next to each other?

  A) coincide

  B) extend

  C) overlap

  D) collide


  20.A 参考译文:价格上涨的前景已经引起了人们的担忧。

  A) provoke 引发

  B) irritate 激怒

  C) inspire 启发

  D) hoist 升起

  21.B 参考译文:犯罪嫌疑人声称案发时他不在附近。

  A) advocate 提倡

  B) allege 声称

  C) address 发表演讲

  D) announce 宣布

  22.C 参考译文:虽然殖民者与美洲土着人在某种程度上互相融合,但是印第安人对美国文化和语言的影响并不广泛。

  A) migrate 迁徙

  B) match 使...匹配

  C) mingle 混杂

  D) melt 溶化

  23.C 参考译文:电子邮件是一种便捷而又高度民主的非正式媒介,它传递信息,符合人类的需要。

  A) adhere 遵守

  B) reflect 反映

  C) conform 遵循

  D) satisfy 满足

  24.C 参考译文:鸟儿被打下来后仍然拍打着翅膀。

  A) slap 掴耳光

  B) scratch 抓,搔

  C) flap 振动翅膀

  D) fluctuate 波动

  25.B 参考译文:贸易限制方面存在的意见分歧会严重危及两国的关系。

  A) tumble 跌倒

  B) jeopardize 危害

  C) manipulate 控制

  D) intimidate 威吓

  26.C 参考译文:当你贴壁纸时你是把纸的边缘重叠起来呢还是把它们平铺连在一起呢?

  A) coincide 巧合

  B) extend 延长

  C) overlap 重叠

  D) collide 碰撞


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