
2021-11-04 10:07:00 · 作者:编辑部  
2021年12月英语六级词汇复习资料:固定搭配(二)  executive board 执行委员会,董事会  happen to 刚好  confine sb to


  executive board 执行委员会,董事会

  happen to 刚好

  confine sb. to 把某人限定在范围内

  take up 占用

  botanical garden 植物园

  be accustomed to 习惯于

  be accused of 因……被起诉/指责

  be less likely to 不太可能

  resort to 依靠,诉诸

  be obliged to 应该

  be based on 基于

  put up with 忍受,容忍

  specialize in 专门研究

  in time 及时地

  make peace 讲和,言归于好

  out of control 失控

  call for 要求,提倡

  take it for granted 认为其理所当然

  be crazy about 着迷于,热衷于

  be alien to 与…相异,与……格格不入

  broaden one’s horizons 开阔某人的视野

  a sheer waste of time 纯粹浪费时间

  slip into 陷入,堕入

  have expertise in 有……的专业知识

  convert into把……转化成……

  regard as 把……看作……

  put effort into 把精力花费在……

  make use of 利用

  sign up 报名参加

  be qualified to 能胜任……

  buy out 出钱使……放弃地位

  in desperate need of 迫切需要

  be mean to 对……刻薄

  derive from 得自

  teach sb. a lesson 教训某人一顿

  take away 带走,拿走

  be suspected of 被怀疑(做……)

  on behalf of 作为……的代表;为了……的利益

  be irritated with 被激怒

  thrive on 因……繁荣发展

  place a strain on 使……(极度)紧张,造成压力

  pose a threat to 对……造成威胁

  side effect 副作用

  stay alert to 对…警觉

  guard against 防止;提防

  adverse effect 不利影响;副作用

  get used to 习惯于…

  refrain from 克制;抑制;忍住

  hold up阻挡;拦截

  from bad to worse 每况愈下;越来越糟

  count in 把…计算在内

  tend to 趋向;易于;有…的倾向

  from cover to cover 从头至尾

  touch on 提及;谈及

  count on 指望

  health hazard 健康危害

  be subject to 受…支配,受限于…

  pay attention to 注意,重视

  be contrary to 违背,与…相反

  artificial intelligence 人工智能

  be applied in 应用于…

  become/be concerned about 关心,担忧

  hinge on 完全取决于

  manage with 用…设法应付

  deliver to 送交,交付

  in broad daylight 光天化日之下,公开地

  in terms of 就…而言

  appeal to 对…有吸引力

  pull… out of 让…从…中退出

  embark on 从事,开始(做某事)

  turn away from 避开,脱离

  brush aside 对…置之不理

  dry out 完全变干,干透

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