
2021-12-06 10:46:00 · 作者:编辑部  
2021年12月英语六级词汇选择模拟冲刺训练第1篇  1、The wheels of the fast road vehicles were fashioned from crude st


  1、The wheels of the fast road vehicles were fashioned from crude stone disks.

  (A) hand carved (B) roughly made (C) flat

  2、Known as "The First Lady of Song", Ella Fitzgerald got her start as a professional singer when she won a contest at the Apollo Theater in Harlem in 1934.

  (A) an award (B) an argument (C) a competition

  3、A star begins life as a large ball of slowly rotating gas that contracts slowly under its own weight.

  (A) deflates (B) weakens (C) shrinks

  4. Mary Mapes Dodge exercised considerable influence on children’s literature in the late nineteenth century.

  (A) stylistic (B) great (C) personal

  5. Iron is converted to steel by removing most of the impurities present in cast iron.

  (A) altered (B) developed (C) reduced

  6. When her parents started shouting at each other, Anna used to creep under the table and cry.

  (A) crawl (B) fly (C) hop

  7. The rapid expansion of cities during the Industrial Revolution created a housing crisis.

  (A) avoided (B) brought about (C) aggravated

  8. The works of novelist Joyce Carol Oates are moving chronicles ofcontemporary life in the United States.

  (A) simultaneous (B) controversial (C) modem

  9. The cerebellum is the section of the brain that coordinates the movements of voluntary muscles.

  (A) executes (B) integrates (C) differentiates

  10、With the dawn of space exploration, the notion that atmospheric conditions on Earth may be unique in the solar system was strengthened.

  (A)beginning (B)continuation (C)expansion

  11、 Dating from around A.D. 1000, the largest mound surviving from the Mississippian culture was one hundred feet high and had a base of nearly fifteen acres.

  (A)civilization (B)formation (C)sect

  12、 Our club sent two delegates to the meeting.

  (A)professionals (B)representatives (C)governors

  13、Devaluation is an official decrease in the value of a nation’s currency.

  (A)money (B)taxes (C)prices

  14、The plan was defeated by a lack of support.

  (A)scattered (B)starved (C)stopped


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