
2015-12-19 17:27:00 · 作者:编辑部  







  The Chinese government has decided to upgrade theindustrial structure recently. The construction of high speedtrains, ocean-going vessels, robots and even airplanes have beeninvolved in and a contract on the construction of high-speed railhas been signed by China and Indonesia lately, which proved thefact that the product made in China enjoys a high level ofreliability.

  The “Made in China” have been widely spread around theworld at a hefty cost.

  However, with the elimination of poverty and the jobopportunities provided for people around the world, the popularityof the “ Made in China” deserves applause. Therefore, you may wantto check the original places of the product you have bought instores because it is exceedingly possible that this product is madein China.




  In the process ofhelping global communities to terminate extreme poverty by 2030,the role China plays enjoys an increasing level of significance.400 million people have already gotten rid of poverty since the1970s, when the reforming and opening up policy started. In thefive years to come, China is going to provide the other developingcountries with the help in terms of the elimination of poverty, thedevelopment of education, the modernization of agriculture,environmental protection as well as medicalcare.

  The progress made byChina in the elimination of poverty is obviously great and Chinahas been making persistent efforts in promoting the economicgrowth, which serves as an example to inspire other developingcountries to confront with challenges in their own development. TheChinese experience could help a lot in the search of thedevelopment patterns with their own characters.



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