
2020-12-15 14:57:46 · 作者:编辑部  





  Psychology research has tended to portray solitude as negative experience. Studies conducted in the 1970’s and 1990’s suggested that people felt less happy when alone as compared to being with others. However, a new paper shows an alternative view of solitude. One in which solitude can be positive.

  Let's start by looking at the earlier research. It had a couple of shortcomings. First it measures emotion on the scale from positive to negative, overlooking the possibility that are positive and negative emotions can fluctuate independently. Also, the categorized emotions as simply positive or negative. It didn't consider that emotions aroused us to different degrees and that both positive and negative emotions can arouse us a lot or a little. That is whether positive or negative emotions can be either a higher arousal or lower arousal. Higher arousal emotions include excitement on a positive side or anger on a negative side, while lower arousal ones include feeling calm on the positive side or lonely on the negative.

  [17]This new research attempted to overcome the shortcomings. Researchers began with the simple study. They asked participants to spend fifteen minutes sitting alone without engaging in any activity and measured how the solitude influences their emotional state. This experiment specifically aimed to determine the effect of solitude on high arousal emotions. It looked at positive emotions such as being excited or interested and negative emotions including being scared or distressed.

  The results were clear. After fifteen minutes of solitude, the participants showed reductions in both types of emotion. A second study measured the effects of solitude on low arousal emotions. These include both positive and negative emotions such as feeling calm, relaxed, sad or lonely. That experiment found that all of these emotions were increased by time alone thus it seems pass depictions of solitude we’re wrong.

  It doesn't have a simple emotional effect that can be characterized as good or bad. Rather it changes the intensity of our experience.

  It amplifies quieter emotion but it diminishes the intensity of stronger feelings. It ? clarifying that these findings relate to relatively brief periods of solitude.

  This is distinct from prolonged loneliness. Research has demonstrated that the ladder is correlated within an ?sment of negative physical and psychological effects. How can people benefit from being alone? The findings here suggest that people can use solitude to regulate their emotions.

  Solitude can help us become quiet after excitement, calm after an English episode or simply feel like that peace.

  Q16.What is one of the criticisms directed at the early research on solitude?

  Q17.What do we learn about the results of the new research?

  Q18.what does the second experiment in the new research find about solitude?



  Q16. 根据题干中的the early research on solitude,可以定位到听力材料中的第一段。可以推知当与有人陪伴相比,孤独的时候人更容易感到情绪低落。

  Q17. 根据 results of the new research,我们可以做定在This experiment specifically aimed to的后面,由此我们可知新研究旨在发现孤独对高兴奋度情感的影响。

  Q18. 根据 the second experiment可以在关于第二次研究这部分寻找答案。






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