
2021-10-12 21:59:11 · 作者:编辑部  





  Weather is a constant force in our lives, but there’s little marketing research on how it affects businesses. (9)Now a new study reveals how sunny and snowy conditions influence consumer behavior. Those weather conditions trigger consumers to mentally visualize using products associated with the respective weather. This leads to consumers placing a higher value on those products, that is, they’re willing to pay more money for them. But the correlation is only found with products related to being outside. How does this work? Researchers give the example of the beach towel. On a sunny day, consumers who see that product are not just looking at the towel itself. (10)They are likely imagining themselves lying on the towel in the sun. This mental picture of using the towel increases the value of the product in the consumers’ mind. Researchers put forward the following hypothesis to explain their findings. (10)They think the mental picture works in sunshine and snow, because these weather conditions have a positive association with outside activities. The effect is not seen with raining weather. Researchers assert this is because there are many activities that are enabled by rain. most products associated with rain like umbrellas are only used for protection from the weather and not for any activities. Researchers believe that companies that sell the wide-wave products online can benefit most from the insights this study provides. Online sellers often use complex mathematical formulas to determine what products to feature and how to price these products. (11)Incorporating more data about weather would let them to make better decisions. This could boast it sales.

  Questions 9 to 11 are based on the passage you have just heard.

  Q9. What do we learn about the findings of the new study?

  Q10. What does the passage say may increase the value of products for consumers?

  Q11. How can the findings of the new study benefit online sellers according to the researchers?




  Q9. 题目问的是“我们能从新的研究发现中得出什么”,文章开头便提到关键词“new study”,可听到“现在一项新的研究揭示了晴天和下雪天是如何影响消费者行为的。这些天气状况会促使消费者在脑海中想象使用与各自天气相关的产品。”因此研究结论需体现“天气”和“消费者行为”或“购买相关产品”的关系。

  Q10. 题目问的是“文章提到什么可以增加产品对消费者的价值?”文章中间提到人们买“beach towel”的例子,后面说道“这种使用毛巾的心理画面增加了产品在消费者心中的价值”,后文的研究结论同样提到“心理画面在晴天和雪天的环境下是有效的,因为这些天气条件与户外活动有正相关。这种效果在雨天是看不见的。”因此答案应与晴天和雪天的“mental picture”有关。

  Q11. 题目问的是“根据研究人员的说法,这项新研究的发现对网上卖家有什么好处呢”,根据“online seller”定位至文章最后,“结合更多的天气数据可以让他们做出更好的决定。这可以促进销售。”因此答案应与“Incorporating more data about weather ”






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