
2021-12-20 16:48:37 · 作者:编辑部  
2021年12月英语六级阅读理解真题及答案解析(卷三)  Section C 仔细阅读点击广告图,第一时间查看考后真题解析↑↑↑↑  Passage 1...


  Section C 仔细阅读


  Passage 1


  题目对应原文:Social media is absolutlely everywhere.

  46. What does the author mainly discus- in the passage?

  D) Whether social media should be used to screen job candidate.

  47. What might happen when social media is used to screen job candidate?

  A) Moral or legal issues might arise.

  48. When could online personal information be detrimental to candidate?

  A) When it is separated from context.

  49. How can employers use social media information to their advantage while avoiding

  unnecessary risks?

  B) By using it in a legitimate way.

  50. What does the author suggest doing before screening job candidates on social media?

  C) Seeking advice from management and legal experts.

  Passage 2

  考察内容:食物标签 In recent years, the food industry has increasedits use of labels.


  51. What trend has been observed in a report?

  D) Consumers' increasing desire for clear product information.

  52. What does the author say is manufacturers' new marketing strategy?

  A) Stressing the absence of certain elements in their products.

  53. What point does the author make about non-GMO labels?

  D) They cause anxiety about food among consumers.

  54. What does the author say absence claims labels will do to food manufacturers?

  C) Erode consumer trust and reduce sales.

  55. What does the author suggest food manufacturers do?

  B) Exercise caution about the use of absence claims.

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