【Section C】
Recording 1
While it has long been a practice in Asian countries, many people in Western countries have yet to embrace the no-shoes-in-house rule. (16) For many in those countries wiping their shoes before going inside is required as sufficient.
After all, they may think a little dirt doesn't hurt anyone, but I can give you several good reasons why people should remove their shoes before going inside their homes. Bacteria are everywhere. They collect on your shoes when you walk along sidewalks, public toilet floors and even office carpets. In one study conducted at an American university, researchers collected microscopic germs from footwear. (17) They found that up to 421,000 units of bacteria can collect on the outside of a single shoe. And it only takes a little bit of dirt to damage your timber floors. The more dirt you track in, the more it scratches and the more often you have to clean. The extra scrubbing will harm your floors over time. Shoes can also leave marks and scratches on floors, especially high heels or shoes with pointy or hard parts. These can dent and scratch your floor. And if you live in an apartment building, removing your noisy shoes is the polite thing to do and consideration for your downstairs neighbors. Walking around with bare feet is actually better for your feet. It strengthens the muscles in your feet. Though many people are accustomed to wearing shoes during all the waking hours, the more time you spend wearing shoes, the more likely you are to incur foot injuries as a result. And if people aren't yet convinced by my arguments, I can give one final reason. (18) The dust and toxic chemicals you bring into your house via your shoes can deteriorate the air quality in your home. Toxic chemicals are everywhere in our lives. Insect killing chemicals used on public grass areas, cleaning chemicals on the floors of public areas. By kicking off your shoes before you enter the home, you are denying entry to these harmful chemicals. Given the amount of time we spend in classrooms and the number of shoes that pass through them everyday, you may well understand me if I were to propose a no shoes in the classroom rule.
Question 16. Why don't many Westerners take off shoes before entering a house?
考察同义替换,难度中等。题目询问为什么许多西方人进屋前不脱鞋,原文中提到they may think a little dirt doesn't hurt anyone,其中hurt=harm;anyone=no one。
Question17. What is the finding of one study by researchers at an American university?
考察同义替换,难度中等。题目询问美国一所大学的研究人员的研究结果是什么,根据定位词found定位,原文中提到They found that up to 421,000 units of bacteria can collect on the outside of a single shoe,其中421,000 units=a large number of。
Question 18. What is the final reason the speaker gives for removing shoes before entering a house?
考察原文复现,难度较小。原文中直接提到The dust and toxic chemicals you bring into your house via your shoes can deteriorate the air quality in your home.
Recording 2
Emotions on essential and inseparable part of our consciousness? They are part of a built in mechanism which allows us to cope with the ups and downs of our lives both physically and mentally.
(19) When we hide our emotions and our true feelings, we stop being genuine, spontaneous and authentic in our relationships. When we put on cultivated and polish faces in the company of others, we stop being true to ourselves socially. (19) It may be a good tactic to hide our true emotions, but morally, it is also a breach of faith and trust, although humans are more advanced and intelligent, animals are more genuine and authentic in their behavior and responses than human beings, the more educated we are, the less transparent and reliable we become we are drawn to our pets because pets do not lie.
(20) One of the first steps in dealing with emotions such as anger or fear is to acknowledge them as normal and human. There is nothing sinful or immoral about being emotional unless your emotions make you inhuman, insensitive and cruel to others. Feelings of guilt associated with emotions are more devastating and damaging than experience of emotion itself. When you deal with the problem of emotions, you should learn not only how to control them, but also how to accept them and manage the guilt and anguish arising from them. Our brains are made up of a primitive inner core and a more evolved and rational article. Most of the time, the rational part of the mind controls the information coming from the primitive core and makes its own decisions as to what to do and how to respond. However, during critical situations, especially when a threat is perceived, the outer core loses control and fails to regulate the impulses and instinctive responses coming from the primitive brain. As a result, we let disturbing thoughts and emotions arise in our consciousness and surrender to our primitive behavior in times of emotional turmoil. Remember that emotions arise because your senses, a wired to the primitive part of your mind, which is self regulated, autonomous, spontaneous. Your rational mind does not always deal with the messages coming from it effectively. These messages are part of your survival mechanism and should not be stifled simply because emotions are unhealthy, (21) arbitrary your weaknesses when emotions arise, instead of stifling them, pay attention to them and try to understand the messages they are trying to deliver. This way, you make use of your emotions without losing your balance and inner stability.
Question 19. What does the speaker say about hiding one's emotions?
考查开头区间细节对应, 第三句提到When we hide our emotions and our true feelings, we stop being genuine, spontaneous and authentic in our relationships. 中间段进一步论证It may be a good tactic to hide our true emotions, but morally, it is also a breach of faith and trust
Question 20. What should we do first in dealing with emotions?
考查细节对应, 通过“first”信号定位到答案区间One of the first steps in dealing with emotions such as anger or fear is to acknowledge them as normal and human.
Question 21. What are we advised to do when emotions arise?
考查结尾建议, 根据“As a result”定位到答案区间, 通过建议等做法对应到arbitrary your weaknesses when emotions arise, instead of stifling them, pay attention to them and try to understand the messages they are trying to deliver.
Recording 3
Good morning class, my topic today is how to feed a hungry world. The world's population is expected to grow from 6.8 billion today to 9.1 billion by 2050. Meanwhile, the world's population more than doubled from 3 billion between 1961 and two thousand and. Seven simultaneously, food production has been constrained by a lack of scientific research. Still, the task of feeding the world's population in 2050 seems easily possible. What is needed is a second green revolution. This is an approach that is described as the sustainable growth of global agriculture. Such a revolution will require a wholesale shift of priorities in agricultural research. (22)There is an urgent need for new crop varieties. They must offer higher yields but use less water, nitrogen, rich fertilizers or other inputs. These new crops must also be more resistant to drought, heat and pests. Equally crucial is lower tech research into basics such as crop rotation and mixed farming of animals and plants on small farms. Developing nations could score substantial gains in productivity by making better use of modern technologies and practices, but that requires money. It is estimated that should be the 2050 Challenge. Investment must double to U.S.$83 billion a year. (23) Most of that money needs to go towards improving agricultural infrastructure, everything from production to storage and processing must improve.
However, research agendas need to be focused on the needs of the poorest and most resource limited countries. It is there that most of the world's population lives and it is there that population growth over the next decades will be the greatest to their credit. (24) The world's agricultural scientists are embracing such a broad view in March, for example, they came together at the first global conference on agricultural research to begin working out how to change research agendas to help meet the needs of farmers in poorer nations. But these plants will not bear fruit unless they get considerably more support from policymakers.
The growth in public agricultural research spending peaked in the 1970s and has been shrinking ever since. (25) The big exception is China. Spending has far surpassed other countries over the past decade. China seems set to transition to become the key supplier of relevant science and technology to proper countries. But developed countries have a humanitarian responsibility too, caused by scientists for large increases in the appropriation of funds. For public spending on agricultural research are more than justified.
Question 22. What is an urgent need for feeding the world's population in 2050 according to the speaker?
考查开头区间的细节对应, 通过2050年的人口暴增和各种粮食缺乏的描述, 文中提到两种需要去做的“what is needed is a second green revolution”以及根据最终提问涉及到的There is an urgent need for new crop varieties.”
Question 23. Where should most of the money be invested to feed the ever growing population?
考查细节对应, 通过对钱的不断描述和提问对应的最高级缩小答案范围至Most of that money needs to go towards improving agricultural infrastructure, everything from production to storage and processing must improve.
Question 24. Why does the speaker give credit to the world's agricultural scientists?
考查说话人对科学家的观点,对应到 The world's agricultural scientists are embracing such a broad view in March, for example, they came together at the first global conference on agricultural research to begin working out how to change research agendas to help meet the needs of farmers in poorer nations.
Question 25, what makes China exceptional in comparison with the rest of the world?
考查细节对应, 通过新的专有名词的出现The big exception is China, 缩小答案范围至Spending has far surpassed other countries over the past decade. China seems set to transition to become the key supplier of relevant science and technology to proper countries.
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