
2022-06-11 18:44:38 · 作者:编辑部  






  26. A aesthetically

  27.B constructed

  28. K principally

  29. H natural

  30. J previous

  31. G legitimate

  32. L remedy

  33. I offspring

  34. E flocked

  35. F incorporates


  36.E Some children on the remote islands won't eat their meals because they are fed cheap junk high on the river islands

  37. B Unlike other parts of Bangladesh, the number of women who die from giving birth remains even with discounts offered.

  38.J One big problem many islanders have is that they can't afford the prescribed medicines organizations.

  39.B TD is a virtual medical service financially supported by one of the nation's nonprofit

  40.K TD doctors are welcome to the islanders bccause thev treat the sick with respect and patience.

  41.F Women islanders tend to have health problems carly partly because they get married and give birth early.

  42. C doctors make weekly visits to the remote islands to provide services at a temporary medical center.

  43. D TD doctors provide the islanders with online diagnoses and treatments for common diseases.

  44.A The residents of the river islands have to keep moving their homes because of floods and land erosions.

  45.H Women islanders usually rely on their husbands to get some medicines for them without diagnoses and prescriptions.


  46 B)They have been doing well in ensuring their students a successful future

  47 A) It has contributed substantially to the nation's overall development.

  48 C)They would have added to many students financial burden.

  49 D) Their liberal arts education enables graduates to excel in whatever field they are in.

  50 B)All students can benefit from a diversified student population

  51 A)People seldom appeal to rationality in their thinking.

  52 D) It is something subjective based on what one perceives to be right.

  53 A) It may lead to incorrect judgment.

  54 C)Establish socially shared cognition via scientific methods

  55 D)Collaborative efforts can overcome individuals'limitations in scientific inquiry

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