CET6英语六级作文范文精讲99篇,第026篇,是关于我的宿舍 的话题作文范文。供在准备英语六级的同学参考学习。
cet6六级级作文范文:my dormitory room我的宿舍
my dormitory room
my dormitory room is on the second floor . it is small and crowded . t he da rk green walls and the dir ty white ceiling make the room seem dark , and thu s even smalle r than it is . as you walk into the room, you ar e stopped shor t by my bed which fills half of the room . t he two la rge windows over the bed ar e hidden by heavy dark gold dr apes . against the wall on your left , pushed into a corner behind the head of the bed , is a large bookcase which is cr ammed with papers , book s , and knick-knack s , wedged in between the bookcase and the wall opposite the bed is a small gr ey met al desk . it has a brown wooden chair which seems to fill the lef t end of the room . stuf fed unde r the desk is a wooden wastepaper bas ket over - flowing with pape r and debris . the wall above the bookcase and des k is completely taken up with two small poste rs . on the right hand of the room is a nar row closet with clothes , s hoes , hats , tennis racquets , and boxes bulging out of its sliding door s . everytime i walk out of the door , i think ,“now i know what it is like to live in a closet . ”
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