
2021-10-13 19:10:22 · 作者:编辑部  
早起  early rising  ea rly rising is beneficial to us in many ways   first , it helps us to keep fi


  early rising

  ea rly rising is beneficial to us in many ways .

  first , it helps us to keep fit . we all need f resh air , but air is never so f resh as ea rly in the morning . besides , we can do morning exercises in the open air to improve our health .

  secondly , early rising helps us in our studies . we learn more quickly in the morning , and find it easier to commit to memory what we learn .

  thirdly , early rising enables us to plan the work of the day . we can’t work well without a plan . ju st as the plan for the year s hould be made in spring , so the plan for the day should be made in the morning .

  four thly , early rising gives us enough time to get r eady for a day’s work , such as checking the time- table , collecting the things needed for school .

  late riser s may find it difficult to cultivate the habit of ea rly rising , even though they know the impor tance of early rising . t hey should r eally try their effor ts to do so , and t ry to unde rstand the saying“ea rly to bed , ea rly to rise makes a man healthy , wealthy and wise .”




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