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四六级冲刺备考 2010年12月的
★ 名师团在线指导12月四六级听力备考:付思遥
★ 名师团在线指导12月四六级词汇备考:刘一男
★ 名师团在线指导12月四六级全项备考:赵建昆
★ 四级考试最后冲刺备考:做练习 记单词
★ 2010年12月六级考试作文话题预测
★ 2010年12月四级考试复习资料大全:听力
★ 英语六级考试阅读备考:新东方课堂讲义
★ 2010年12月四级考试完形填空模拟练习
Extinct a.灭绝的,灭种的;(火山等)不再活跃的,(火等) 熄灭了的(风俗)已废弃的
Dinosaurs have been extinct for millions of years.恐龙已经灭绝几百万年了.
Evidence collected by the spacecraft on Mars shows some present volcanic action, though the volcanos are believed to be dormant if not extinct. 太空船搜集到的证据显示火星上仍然有火山运动存在,然然人们普遍认为火星上的火山如果说不是死活山至少也处于休眠状态.
Flush n.脸红;红光 vi.被冲洗;(脸)发红 vt.冲洗,(脸)涨红;赶出
Flush a.(-with)齐平的,等高的;(尤指钱)充裕的,富裕的
Her complexion has a flush,just like that of the dawn.她红扑扑的脸蛋宛如黎明的红霞.
The politician didn't flush with shame at all when he swore that he would devote himself to serving the people immediately after receiving bribery payments.那位政客一点都不感到脸红,那位政客信誓旦旦的说什么要鞠躬尽瘁地为人民服务, 就在此前他刚刚收受贿赂.
The rising sun flushed the green mountain tops.旭日映红了苍翠的山顶.
Heighten v.(使)提高,加强
We highten our expectations as time goes by.随着时间的推移,我们的期望提高了.
Illusion n.幻想,错误的观念;错觉,幻觉,假象
The girl is always under the illusion that a prince charming will sweep her away on a white horse.这姑娘成天幻想着有朝一日她心目中的白马王子会将她带走.
A mirage is an optical illusion caused by hot air conditions.海市蜃楼是由空气引起的光学幻想.
Induce vt.引诱,劝;引起,导致
Adam and Eve were induced to eat the Forbidden Fruit by Satan.亚当和夏娃受了魔鬼的诱惑偷吃了禁果.
The author has induced a particular frame of mind in the readers by his choice of words.作者用词讲究,在读者的心中唤起了一种特殊的意境.
intelligible a.可理解的,明白易懂的,清楚的
The manager was so drunk that his speech was barely intelligible.经理喝得醉醺醺的,连话都说不清楚.
invariably ad.不变地,始终如一地总是
The security guards are invariably ex-servicemen.这些保安都是清一色的退伍军人.
Magnify vt.放大,扩大;夸大,夸张
Cells must be magnifi- ed by a microscope several times before they can be seen.细胞要经过显微镜放大好几倍才看得见.
Most broadcasters maintain that TV has been unfairly criticized and they argue that the power of the medium has been magnified. 多数电视台认为电视受到了不公正的批评, 他们坚持说这种传媒的能量被大大的夸大了.
Morality n.道德,(行为等的)道德性;德行,品行,道德观,道德规范
Nowdays many businessmen despise commercial morality to make as much profit as they can. 当今社会,很多商人罔顾商业道德竭尽所能攫取利润.
The morality of abortion has been discussed for a long time in the US.堕胎的道德性问题在美国长期争论不休.
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