2010-11-10 00:00:00 · 作者:编辑部
四六级冲刺备考 2010年12月的
★ 名师团在线指导12月四六级听力备考:付思遥
★ 名师团在线指导12月四六级词汇备考:刘一男
★ 名师团在线指导12月四六级全项备考:赵建昆
★ 四级考试最后冲刺备考:做练习 记单词
★ 2010年12月六级考试作文话题预测
★ 2010年12月四级考试复习资料大全:听力
★ 英语六级考试阅读备考:新东方课堂讲义
★ 2010年12月四级考试完形填空模拟练习
longitude n.经线,经度
By agreement,the longitude passing through Greenwich of Observatory is called the prime meridian.按照约定,经过伦敦格林尼治天文台的经线被称为本初子午线(零度经线).
Melody n.旋律,曲调;悦耳的音乐
The success of a popular composer depends on his melody.人们喜爱的作曲家成功的秘诀在于他谱写的优美的音乐.
missionary n.传教主
In many western countries,missionaries not only preached, but brought different ways of thinking as well.在许多西方国家,传教士们不仅布道,也带来了不同的思维方式.
Mortgage n.抵押,抵押贷款 vt.抵押
In order to start my new firm,I had to mortgage my house for the loan.为了开设新的公司,我只好以房子作抵押以获得贷款.
Prophet n.先知;预言者
Though a great footballer himself, Pele is a bad prophet who never predicted the result of the World Cup.尽管是个伟大的足球运动员,贝利是个蹩脚的预言家.他关于世界杯的预言从来都是不准的.
Reliance n.依靠,依赖
No reliance is to be placed on his word. He has a glid tongue. 他的话靠不住.他巧舌如簧.
repay[ vt.归还(款项);报答
As she has always been so good to me,I will repay her with kindness.她对我一直很好,我会报答她对我的好意.
Resent vt.对…表示愤恨,怨恨
Jenna,one of President Bush's twin daughters,resents having to ask her parents' permission is everything she does. 事事都得征求父母的许可,布什总统孪生女儿之一的詹娜很不高兴.
Rigorous a.严密的,缜密的;严格的,严厉的
Having got a reliable report that a passenger who was to smuggle drugs, the police carried to a rigorous search.在得到可靠的情报,知道有人将走私毒品之后,警察进行了严格的搜查.
Rim n.(圆形物体的)边,缘 vt.环绕(圆形或环形物的)边缘
Grandma liked to do the washing-up,declaring she liked the pattern round the rim of plates.奶奶说她喜欢洗碗,郑重其事说她喜欢盘子边缘的图案.
Mountains rimmed the valley.群山环绕着山谷.
Royalty n.王族(成员); [常pl.](著作的)版税
In this universally democratic world of today,people naturally have special interest in royalty.在今天普通实现民主的世界,人们自然对王室有着特殊的兴趣.
Sensation n.(感官的)感觉能力;感觉,知觉;轰动,引起轰动的事件(或人物)
At times the Western mass media go a long way to pursue what is known as sensation.有时,为了达到轰动效应,西方传媒会不遗余力.
Shipment n.装运,装船;装载(或运输)的货物
To meet our urgent needs,please arrange the shipment of the first of our order by the 1st available steamer.我们急需该货,请搭乘最早的方便汽轮把我们定单的首批货物运出来.
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