[usual daily food and drink]
The doctor ordered a special diet to help him lose weight.
[not the same]
His clothes are different from mine.
[(1) not easy; (2) hard to do, make or carry out]
Keith was a difficult child. (1)
Building a boat is a difficult job. (2)
[to make a hole in the ground]
Dig here and you will find water.
[(1) the main amount of food eaten at a usual time; (2) a special event that includes food ]
The family had its dinner at noon. (1)
The official dinner took place at the White House. (2)
[a person who represents his or her government in dealing with another government]
Most foreign diplomats live in the Washington area.
[(1) to lead; (2) to aim or show the way;(3) straight to something; (4) not through some other person or thing]
The mayor directs all city agencies. (1)
He directed me to the theater. (2)
The most direct way to Annapolis is Highway 50. (3)
The path is direct. (4)
[(1) the way (east, west, north, south); (2) where someone or something came from or went to]
North is the opposite direction from south. (1)
The cold wind is coming from that direction. (2)
[earth or soil]
Little children enjoy playing in the dirt.
[(1) to become unseen; (2) to no longer exist]
His dog disappears when it is time for a bath. (1)
Dinosaurs disappeared a long time ago. (2)
[(1) to take away weapons; (2) to no longer keep weapons; (3) to make a bomb harmless by removing its exploding device]
The policeman disarmed the gunman. (1)
Some smaller countries have disarmed. (2)
Explosives experts often can disarm bombs. (3)
[to find or learn something]
Scientists have discovered cures for many kinds of cancer.
[(1) to talk about; (2) to exchange ideas]
We can discuss anything you wish. (1)
The two presidents discussed trade and other economic issues. (2)
[a sickness in living things, often caused by viruses, germs or bacteria]
Modern medicines have made some diseases disappear.
[(1) to send away; (2) to refuse to consider]
The scientist was dismissed for copying secret information about nuclear weapons. (1)
The senators dismissed any idea of campaign finance reform. (2)