film [(1) to record something so it can be seen again; (2) to make a motion picture or movie; (3) a thin piece of material for making pictures with a camera; (4) a movie]
He filmed the complete ceremony. (1)
She filmed the movie in New York. (2)
My camera needs more film. (3)
My favorite film is "Saving Private Ryan." (4)
final [(1) at the end; (2) last]
Tomorrow is the final day of winter. (1)
We won our final baseball game of the season.(2)
financial [of or about the system that includes the use of money, credit, investments and banks]
The growing political crisis could weaken our financial system.
find [(1) to discover or learn something by searching or by accident; (2) to decide a court case]
He found a new book by his favorite writer. (1)
The jury found the man guilty of murder. (2)
fine [(1) a payment ordered by a court to punish someone for a crime; (2) very good; (3) very small or thin]
The court ordered him to pay a 500-dollar fine. (1)
She did fine work for our company. (2)
He drew a fine line under the word. (3)
finish [(1) to complete; (2) to end]
He finished reading the book. (1)
She finished her cup of tea. (2)
fire [(1) to shoot a gun; (2) the heat and light produced by something burning]
He fired a warning shot and shouted, "Police." (1)
The fire warmed our hands. (2)
fireworks [rockets producing bright fire in the sky, used in holiday celebrations]
We watched the fireworks for thirty minutes.
firm [not easily moved or changed]
She is firm in her opinion.
first [coming before all others]
Tom was the first person I saw.
fish [a creature that lives and can breathe in water]
How many fish did you catch?
fit [to be of the correct size or shape]
These shoes fit my feet.
fix [to make good or right again]
He was able to fix his car without help.
flag [a piece of colored cloth used to represent a nation, government or organization]
The United States flag has fifty stars.
flat [(1) smooth; (2) having no high places]
He paints pictures on flat pieces of wood. (1)
The land is flat in most parts of the state of Kansas. (2)