
2021-10-12 16:32:34 · 作者:编辑部  
gain [(1)to get possession of; (2)to get more; (3)to increase]  for a long time, united states vot

  gain [(1)to get possession of; (2)to get more; (3)to increase]

  for a long time, united states voters did not know which candidate gained the presidency.(1)

  he gained more support by speaking on television.(2)

  his savings gained 150 dollars in interest.(3)

  game [an activity with rules in which people or teams play or compete, usually sports]

  our school won the baseball game.

  gas [(1)any substance that is not solid or liquid;(2)any substance that burns to provide heat, light or power]

  seventy-eight percent of our atmosphere is nitrogen gas.(1)

  natural gas is used to heat many homes in the united states.(2)

  gather [(1)to bring or come together into a group or place;(2) to collect]

  they gather at the church every sunday.(1)

  please help her gather flowers from the garden.(2)

  general [(1)a high military leader;(2) without details;(3) affecting or including all or almost all]

  the general ordered his forces to attack.(1)

  the senator made a general statement on the proposal, and promised details later. (2)

  he hopes to change general opinion on the issue.(3)

  gentle [(1)soft;(2) kind;(3) not rough or violent]

  she has a gentle voice.(1)

  he is gentle with children.(2)

  i gave him a gentle push toward her.(3)

  get [(1)to receive;(2) to gain;(3)to go and bring back;(4)to become; (5) to become the owner of]

  did you get the letter i sent to you?(1)

  she got a new friend.(2)

  please get an apple for me at the food store.(3)

  he got sick last night after the party.(4)

  she got a new car today.(5)

  gift [something given without cost]

  he gave her a gift from japan.

  girl [a young female person]

  have you met the new girl in our class?

  give [to present to another to keep without receiving payment]

  her husband gave her a diamond ring for her birthday.

  glass [a hard, clear material that is easily broken, used most often for windows or for containers to hold liquids]

  the glass broke when it hit the floor.

  go [(1)to move from one place to another;(2)to leave]

  we will go home from here.(1)

  he said he must go at 10 o'clock.(2)

  goal [(1)that toward which an effort is directed;(2)that which is aimed at;(3)the end of a trip or race]

  our goal is to finish this report today.(1)

  we have several goals for the year.(2)

  we reached our goal after two days of hard walking.(3)

  god [(1)the spirit that is honored as creator of all things;(2) a spirit or being believed in many religions to have special powers]

  they believe in god.(1)

  the ancient greeks believed in many gods.(2)

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