moon [the bright object often seen in the night sky that orbits the earth about every twenty-nine days]
The full moon is bright enough to read a book by.
moral [concerning what is right or wrong in someone's actions]
He made a moral decision not to fight in the war.
more [greater in size or amount]
She has more talent than anyone I know.
morning [the early part of the day, from sunrise until noon]
He writes in the morning and works in the office later in the day.
most [greatest in size or amount]
Which country has the most people?
mother [(1)the female parent;(2)a woman who has a child or children]
My wife is a good mother.(1)
That woman with the loud voice is the mother of seven children.(2)
motion [(1)a movement;(2)a continuing change of position or place]
The motion of the car sometimes makes her sick.(1)
The motion of the waves did not stop.(2)
mountain [a part of the earth's surface that rises high above the area around it]
They plan to climb Rainier, the great mountain southeast of Seattle.
mourn [to express or feel sadness]
They mourned the death of their daughter.
move [(1)to change position; (2) to put or keep in motion; (3) to go]
Move the chair over here.(1)
The dog's tail moved from side to side.(2)
She moved to California last year.(3)
movement [(1)the act of moving or a way of moving; (2) a series of acts or efforts to reach a goal]
The movement of the boat made her sick. (1)
The gun control movement wants to keep guns away from criminals. (2)
movie [(1)a motion picture;(2)a film]
Which movie would you like to watch?(1)
Making the movie cost 75 million dollars.(2)
much [great in amount]
They read much of the time.
murder [(1)to kill another person illegally;(2) the crime of killing another person]
The angry man murdered three people in his office.(1)
The jury found him guilty of murder.(2)
music [the making of sounds by singing or using a musical instrument]
She has loved music since she was a small child.
must [a word used with an action word to mean necessary]
You must go to school.
mystery [(1)something that is not or cannot be explained or understood;(2)a secret]
No one can explain the mystery of the crying woman in the window of the old house.(1)
What happened that night is still a mystery.(2)
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