[the outer covering of humans and most animals]
Her skin was burned red by the intense sunlight.
[the space above the earth]
The sky was filled with beautiful white clouds.
[a person owned or controlled by another]
All slaves in the United States were freed by an amendment to the Constitution in 1865.
[to rest the body and mind with the eyes closed]
Do you sleep eight hours or more each night?
[to move smoothly over a surface]
A big area of snow slid down the mountain.
[(1) to reduce the speed of; (2) not fast in moving, talking or other activities]
Slow your speed to 45 miles per hour. (1)
*one mile = 1.6 kilometers
Is Special English slow enough for you? (2)
[(1) little in size or amount; (2) few in number; (3) not important; (4) opposite large]
The small boy was hungry. (1)
The small force landed by parachute. (2)
It was a small problem and easy to solve. (3)
His small house was next to a big building. (4)
[(1) to break or be broken into small pieces by force; (2) to hit or move with force]
He smashed the window with a rock. (1)
The speeding car smashed into the wall. (2)
[(1) to sense through the nose; (2) something sensed by the nose]
She smelled something burning. (1)
I love the smell of food cooking. (2)
[(1) to use cigarettes or other tobacco products by burning them and breathing in the smoke; (2) that which can be seen rising into the air like a cloud from something burning]
He smoked cigarettes until he died. (1)
The smoke from the burning forest rose high into the sky. (2)
[(1) having a level surface; (2) opposite rough]
The smooth floor was perfect for dancing. (1)
The floor was rough until the workman made it smooth. (2)
[soft, white pieces of frozen water that fall from the sky, usually in winter or when the air temperature is very cold]
The snow fell for two days.
[(1) in such a way that; (2) also; (3) too; (4) very; (5) as a result; (6) in order that; (7) for the purpose of]
He held the flag so all could see it. (1)
She was tired and so was I. (2)
She left early, and so did we. (3)
I am so sick. (4)
They were sick, so they could not come. (5)
We plant seeds so plants will grow. (6)
Come early so we can discuss the plans. (7)