
2021-11-25 10:37:00 · 作者:编辑部  
2021年12月大学英语四级备考词汇:节日篇  春节 the Spring Festival  农历正月初一 the first day of the first lunar


  春节 the Spring Festival

  农历正月初一 the first day of the first lunar month

  农历 lunar calendar



  年终大扫除 year-end household cleaning

  春联 Spring Festival couplets

  年画 New Year pictures

  剪纸 paper-cuts

  团圆饭 family reunion dinner

  饺子 jiaozi

  春晚 Spring Festival Gala

  守岁 stay up late on the New Year’s Eve

  除夕 Eve of Chinese New Year


  ring out the old year and ring in the new

  拜年 pay a New Year visit

  红包 red packets

  压岁钱 lucky money

  放爆竹 let off firecrackers

  庙会 temple fair

  禁忌 taboo

  元宵节 Lantern Festival

  农历正月十五 15th day of the first lunar month

  元宵 rice dumplings

  花灯 festival lantern

  灯谜 lantern riddle

  灯会 exhibit of lanterns

  烟花 fireworks

  端午节 Dragon Boat Festival

  农历五月初五 5th of the fifth lunar month

  粽子 zongzi

  糯米 sticky rice

  粽叶 bamboo leaves

  舞龙 dragon dance

  舞狮 lion dance

  踩高跷 stilt walking

  赛龙舟 dragon-boat racing

  纪念 in memory of


  诗人 poet

  忠臣 loyal minister

  清明节 Tomb-sweeping Day

  寒食节 Cold Food Festival

  祭拜祖先 offer sacrifices to one’s ancestors

  扫墓 sweep graves of one’s ancestors or loved ones

  踏青go for a spring outing

  中秋节 Mid-Autumn Day / Moon Festival

  农历八月十五 15th of the eighth lunar month

  月饼moon cake

  赏月appreciate the glorious full moon

  中国神话故事 Chinese mythology

  嫦娥 Chang’e

  后羿 Hou Yi

  长生不老 be immortal

  重阳节 Double Ninth Day

  赏菊 admire the beauty of chrysanthemum

  登高 climb a height

  七夕节 Double Seventh Day/Chinese Valentine's Day

  银河 the Milky Way

  鹊桥 bridge of magpies

  牛郎 Cowherd

  织女 the Weaving Maid

  王母娘娘 the Queen of Heaven

  乞巧 praying-for-cleverness


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