民用建筑 civil architecture
工业建筑 industrial building
居住区 residential area
坡地住宅 stepped hillside house
联排住宅 terraced house
错层式住宅 split-level house
半独立式住宅 semi-detached house
公寓 apartment, flat
多层建筑 multi-storey block
高层建筑 high-rise block
商业建筑 business premises
乡土建筑 vernacular architecture
本土建筑,地域建筑 local architecture
绿色建筑 green architecture
基础设施 infrastructure
走廊 corridor, passage
挑廊 overhanging corridor
檐廊 eaves corridor
回廊 cloister
凉廊 loggia
过街楼 arcade
门斗 foyer
阁楼 attic
阳台 balcony
雨篷 canopy
自然层 floor
维护结构 envelop enclosure
围护性幕墙 enclosing curtain wall
装饰性幕墙 decorative faced curtain wall
落地窗 French window
百叶窗 shutter, louver window
起居室 living room
餐室dining room
厨房 kitchen
浴室 bathroom
淋浴 shower
单人卧室 single bedroom
双人卧室 double bedroom
备餐室 pantry
洗衣间 laundry
贮藏室 store room
地下室 basement
半地下室 semi-basement
永久性顶盖 permanent cap
螺旋楼梯 spiral staircase
壁纸 wall paper
墙面砖 wall tile
地面砖 floor tile
勒脚,柱础 plinth
踢脚 skirting
木踢脚 timber skirting
榫槽,地槽 groove
墙槽 wall conduit
墙基 wall footing
踢脚 skirting
凹圆踢脚 coved skirting
凹形线脚 sunk moulding
凹缝 open joint
平缝 butt joint
伸缩缝 expansion and contraction joint
沉降缝 settlement joint
防震缝 aseismic joint
变形缝 deformation joint
施工缝 construction joint
防潮层 moisture barrier
隔热保温层 heat insulation
防水 water proofing
防湿 moisture proofing
防潮 damp proofing
隔声 sound proofing
外墙 external wall
内墙 internal wall
隔墙 partition wall
女儿墙 parapet wall
踏面 tread
踢面 riser
防滑条 reeding
栏杆 railing
扶手 handrail
排水沟 drainage ditch
护坡 slope protection, revetment
挡土墙 retaining wall
广场 square
水景 water feature
圆形剧场,露天剧场 amphitheatre
儿童乐园 children’s playground
羽毛球场 badminton court
篮球场 basketball court
网球场 tennis court
停车场 parking area
屋顶花园 roof garden, green roof
凉亭 pavilion
花架 pergola (比较:宝塔 pagoda)
行车道 carriageway
人行道 sidewalk
自行车道 bicycle path
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