16.financial setback经济挫折
academic setback 学业挫折
17.at financial risk面临巨大的经济风险
18.weather bad times渡过困难时期
weather a period of misery 渡过痛苦期
19.market fluctuation股市波动
stock market 股市
fluctuate=change =swing 波动
fluctuating prices 波动的价格
20.interest rates利率
special interests 特殊利益团体
21.absorb a risk承担风险
absorb=shoulder=bear=assume 承担(责任、义务等)
shoulder a responsibility 承担责任
22.harsh reality残酷的现实 =a cruel world
harsh weather 严酷的天气
23.fair play公平竞争
an even playing field 公平的商业环境
24.jump eightfold骤增八倍
jump剧增=explode=rocket=surge=soar=shoot up
25.financial/political fallout经济/政治后果
fallout 余波,后果=consequence=outcome=result
26.on the cliff在悬崖峭壁之上(面临高风险)
27.financial risks outweigh political risks经济风险大于政治风险
28.the shift of risk onto one’s shoulders将风险转嫁到某人肩膀上
shift v./n. 转移,转换
shift(from)A to B
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