
2007-06-29 00:00:00 · 作者:编辑部  

作者:上海新东方学校 四、六级阅读明星教师 薛海滨(答案)

1. N
2. Y
3. NG
4. Y
5. those things that they love most
6. products
7. more confidence
8. What do I really want to do?
9. give up, or risk
10. the lack of action


47. The brilliance of S. Brin and L. Page
48. the academic project
49. By word of mouth
50. meet their price
51. advertising


52. B) Why affluence doesn’t guarantee happiness?
53. D) materialism has run wild in modern society
54. A) Their material pursuits have gone far ahead of their earnings.
55. D) Workers who no longer have secure jobs
56. C) New conflicts and complaints
57. B) the Confucian influence on gender norms in Japan
58. B) They use fewer of the deferential linguistic form
59. D) They express strong disapproval
60. C) is viewed as a sign of their maturity
61. C) one of their strategies to compete in a male-dominated society

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