【新鲜出炉】2022年6月英语四级真题翻译答案 第一套
【2022年6月英语四级真题 第一套翻译】
从前有个农夫嫌他种的禾苗长得慢,就到地里把禾苗一株株地拔高了一点。回家后他对家人说:“今天可真把我累坏了!但我总算让禾苗一下子长高了。”儿子到地里去一看,禾苗都已经死光了。 现在有些家长急于让孩子成功,往往步那个农夫的后尘,搞得孩子苦不堪言,却不见孩子学业长进。这样的家长是否该对这个问题有所醒悟,让孩子自然成长呢?
【2022年6月英语四级真题答案 第一套翻译】
Once upon a timea farmerwho felt unhappy with the slow growth of the seedlings went to the field and pulled them up a bit one by one.Returning home he told his family,“ am exhausted today! However I finally made those seed lings grow taller all at once.” His son hurried to the field only to find that the seedlings had died out. Nowadays, some parents are so eager for their children’s success that they will repeat the tragedy of the farmer, making their kids suffer greatly and meanwhile seeing no progress of them Should such parents wake up to this reality and give their children space for natural growth?
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