2022年12月英语六级精选范文:Space Exploration

2022-11-17 08:01:14 · 作者:编辑部  

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  2022年12月英语六级精选范文:Space Exploration

  In recent years, scientists in many parts of the worldhave pooled their money, time and efforts toresearch the space.

  They launch the satellites, establish the spacestations, and even walk on the moon.

  Space may hold wonders and mysteries of how theuniverse comes into being, or whether there is lifeon other planets besides Earth.

  Space exploration is of great significance.

  First of all, through space exploration, we humanbeing may uncover the unknown resources of the universe.

  It endows us with knowledge about the origin of life, with which we learn the dangers and makeadventures in science and technology.

  Secondly, space exploration also provides a platform for nations to cooperate throughparticipation in joint breakthrough.

  Finally, the space technology plays an indispensable role in our daily life, such ascommunication and transportation technology.

  In the near future, more nations will get involved in the cause of space exploration.

  Some questions having intrigued human throughout the centuries are in the list of solution.

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2022年12月英语六级精选范文:Space Exploration

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