
2021-10-11 19:10:38 · 作者:编辑部  



  首先来看短对话部分 Short Conversation:

  【总评】本次短对话部分贯穿了人物意图题的主线,8道题中考察了6道题,这种题的提问一般是What does the woman mean/imply?或者是What can we learn from the conversation? 对于这样的题目,它的答案点主要是在第二个人说话当中,以及相关出现一些逻辑关系词和言外之意的提示,以及语气它的变化,会得到答案的提示。那么除这个以外,小词题的部分,考到了两个人谈论的主题话题,还考到了地点题,地点题对于四级考生应该不陌生,而且在地点题当中,如果出现到比较常见的生活场景,大家如果基础比较牢靠的话,还是容易拿到分数的。最后还要注意短对话中“视听反向的原则“,选项中有的词,你又明显听到,这样的答案往往是错误的。

   W: What are you doing in here, Sir? Didn'tyou see the private sign over there?
  M: I'm sorry. I didn't notice it when I came in. I'mlooking for the manager's office.
  Q: What do we learn from the conversation?


   W: Mike, what's the problem? You've knownfrom month the report is due today.
  M: I know, but I'm afraid I need another few days.The data is hard to interpret than I expected.
  Q: What does the man mean?


   W: Excuse me, Tony. Has my parcel from NewYork arrived?
  M: Unfortunately, it's been delayed due to the badweather.
  Q: What is the woman waiting for?


   W: Pam said we won't have the psychology testuntil the end of next week.
  M: Ellen, you should know better than to take Pam'swords for anything.
  Q: What does the man imply about Pam?


   W: Tom, would you please watch my suitcasefor a minute? I need to go make a quick phone call.
  M: Yeah, sure. Take your time. Our train does n’t leave for another twenty minutes.
  Q: What does the man mean?


   M: Frankly, Mary is not what I'd calledeasy-going.
  W: I see. People in our neighborhood find it hard tobelieve she's my twin sister.
  Q: What does the woman imply?


   M: How soon do you think this can be cleaned?
  W: We have same day service, sir. You can pick upyour suit after five o'clock.
  Q: Where does the conversation most probably takeplace?

  【解析】地点推理题——此题又是对场景的考察,原文出现了clean一词,又出现了suit西装,言下之意是清洗西装,还提到了service和pick up suit,所以不难推出是对话发生的地点是:洗衣店“laundry“。

   W: I really enjoy that piece you just play onthe piano. I bet you get a lot of requests for it.
  M: You said it. People just can't get enough of it.
  Q: What do we learn from the conversation?

  【解析】推理题——短对话的难题一般会集中在最后两题,15题的考试也不例外,此题考到了一个大家可能不太熟悉的表达,get request for sth, 表示“受到了什么样的要求“。对话的大意是说:男人的弹奏的曲子特别的舒服安详,很多人多很享受这首曲子,于是让男士去演奏钢琴,言下之意是说男士的钢琴曲很手欢迎。

  其次来看长对话 LongConversation


  Questions 19-22are based on the conversation you have just heard.
   W: Good afternoon, Mr. Jones. I am TeresaChen, and I’ll be interviewing you. How are you today?
  M: I am fine, thank you. And you, Miss Chen?
  W: Good, Thanks. Can you tell me something about yourexperience in this kind of work?
  M: Well, for several years, I managed a departmentfor the Brownstone Company in Detroit, Michigan. Now I work part time because Ialso go to school at night. I’m getting a businessdegree.
  W: Oh, how interesting. Tell me, why do you want toleave your present job?
  M: I’ll finish school in afew months, and I’d like a full-time position with moreresponsibility.
  W: And why would you like to work for our company?
  M: Because I know your company’s work and I like it.
  W: Could you please tell me about your special skillsand interests?
  M: Of course, I’m good atcomputers and I can speak Spanish. I used to take classes in Spanish at thelocal college. And I like travelling a lot.
  W: Can you give me any references?
  M: Yes, certainly. You can talk to Mr. McCaw, myboss, at the Brownstone Company. I could also give you the names and numbers ofseveral of my teachers.
  W: All right, Mr. Jones, and would you like to ask meany questions?
  M: Yes, I wonder when I’ll beinformed about my application for the job.
  W: Well, we’ll let you knowas soon as possible. Let’s stay in touch. Thank youvery much for coming this afternoon.
  M: Thank you.
  Questions19-22 are based on the conversation you have just heard.
  19. What does the man say about his workingexperience?
  20. Why does the man want to leave his present job?
  21. What is the man interested in?
  22. What question did the man ask the woman?

  19. 【解析】细节题。根据题干关键词workingexperience可定位至Can you tell me something about yourexperience in this kind of work? 根据男士的回答可知,他曾在BrownstoneCompany工作了很多年。He worked at the Brownstone Company forseveral years.

  20. 【解析】细节题。根据题干关键词leave his present job可定位至Tell me, why do youwant to leave your present job? 根据男士的回答可知,他想要一份全职的工作。Heprefers a full-time job with more responsibility.

  21. 【解析】细节题。根据题干关键词interested in可定位至Could you please tell meabout your special skills and interests? 根据男士的回答可知,他喜欢旅游。He prefers a full-time job with more responsibility.

  22.【解析】细节题。根据题干可定位至would you like to ask me any questions? 根据男士的回答可知,男士想知道的是何时通知面试结果。When he will be informed about his application。

  Questions 23-25 are based on the conversation you have justheard.


  M:Lisa, Lisa! Over here, darling! It's wonderful to see you. Oh, Lisa, you lookmarvelous.
   W: Oh, Paul, you look tired. Two months awayin the capital? Paul, I think you've been working too hard.
  M: I'm fine. The city is very hot this time of theyear. It's good to get back to some fresh air. You know, Lisa, what they sayabout pregnant women really is true.
  W: What's that Paul?
  M: They say they look beautiful.
  W: Well, I had a lot of tension while you've beenstudying hard on your course in D.C.
  M: Oh?
  W: Oh, don't worry, all from a man over 50. Fatherhas told all his business friends the good news about the baby. And the phonehasn't stopped ringing.
  M: Oh, look, darling. There's a taxi.
  W: Paul, tell me about the special project youmentioned on the phone. You sounded very excited about it!
  M: You know, I've learned a lot from the project. I'msurprised that was still in business.
  W: That's because we have a wonderful sales manager ——you!
  M: Thanks. But that's not the problem at all. Lisa,our little company, and it is little compared to the giants in the city. Ourlittle company's in danger. We are out of date.We need to expand. If we don't,we will be swallowed up by one of the giants.
  Questions23-25 are based on the conversation you have just heard.
  23. What do we learn about Lisa?
  24. What do we learn about the man from theconversation?
  25. What does the man say about his company?

  23.【解析】推测题。根据对话前半段的提示信息,如what they say about pregnant women really is true.及Father has told all his business friends the good news about thebaby. 可推测出,Lisa怀孕了。She ispregnant。

  24.【解析】细节题。根据女士说的That's because we have a wonderful sales manager —— you. 可知,男士是一个sales manager。He works as a sales manager。

  25.【解析】细节题。根据题干关键词his company可定位至最后一轮对话。根据男士所说的Our littlecompany's in danger. We are out of date. We need to expand.可知,公司需要扩张,further development是对expand的同义置换。It is in urgent need of further development。

  Section B
  Passage 1
  Questions 26 to 29 are based on the passageyou have just heard.
   Farmington, Utah, is a more pleasantcommunity since a local girls' 4-H club improved Main Street. Six 4-H girlsworked to clean the 72 foot curbside that was covered with weeds, rocks andtrash. Each member volunteered to clean up and to dig in plot, five flats offlowers. They also took terms in watering, weeding and maintaining the plot.Participation in this project helped the girls developed a new attitude towardstheir parents of their own homes; they've learned how to work with tools, andimprove their work habits. One mother said that before her daughter was involvedin this project, she would not even pour a weed. The experience on Main Streetstimulated self-improvement, and encouraged members to take pride in their homegrounds and the total community. City officials cooperated with the 4-H membersin planting trees, building cooking facilities, pick-me tables, swings andpublic rest rooms. The 4-H girls planted trees and took care of them during theearly stages of growth. The total park project needed more plantings in thefollowing years. Members of the 4-H club agreed to follow the project throughto completion, because they receive satisfaction from the results ofconstructive work. The project is a growing one and is spread from the park tothe school and the shopping center. Trees and flowers have all been planted inthe shopping center, making the atmosphere pleasant.
  Questions26 to 29 are based on the passage you have just heard.
  26. What do we learn about Main Street in Farmington?
  27. What do the 4-H club members do about thecurbside?
  28. What have the 4-H girls learned from the project?
  29. Why do the 4-H girls agree to follow the parkproject through to complete.

  Passage 2

  Question 30 to32 are based on the passage you have just heard.
  According to a survey on reading conducted in2001 by the U.S. National Education Association (NEA), young Americans sayreading is important, more important than computers and science. Over 50% ofthe 12 to 18 years old interviewed say they enjoy reading a lot. 79% find itstimulating and interesting. And 87% think it is relaxing. About 68% of thosesurveyed disagreed with the opinion that reading is boring orold-fashioned.
  Over half teenagers interviewed said they read morethan ten books a year. The results also show that middle school students readmore books than high schoolers. Over 66% of teens like to read fiction, such asnovels and stories. Over 26% are interested in non-fiction, such historybooks.64% of students listed reading stories about people my own age. That's afavorite topic. Mysteries and detective stories came second on the list at 53%.Just under 50% said they were interested in reading about their own culture intradition. Of the teenagers who participated in the survey, 49% said thatlibraries are where they get most of their books. However, many complain thattheir school libraries do not have enough up-to-date interesting books andmagazines. Even though many teenagers in the US enjoy reading, they still haveother interests. When asked which activity would be the most difficult to giveup for a week, 48% said listening to music. TV would be difficult to give upfor 25% of those surveyed.
  Question30 to 32 are based on the passage you have just heard.
  30. What does the survey on teenager reading show?
  31. What books are most popular among teenagersaccording to the survey?
  32. What activity do teenagers find the mostdifficult to give up for a week?
  Questions 33-35 are based on the passage you havejust heard.

  Passage 3

  Question 33 to35 are based on the passage you have just heard.
   Thank you for coming, everyone. Today’s presentation will show how we see the development of the motor carin the short to medium term, and that is why we have invited all of you heretoday. Let’s start with power. It’s clear that petrol-driven engines have no future. Already there aremany alternative fuel vehicles on the market, powered by anything from solarpower to natural gas. Some independent thinkers have even produced cars thatrun on vegetable oil. But as we all know, of all these alternative fuelvehicles, the most practical are electric vehicles. Sure, in the past electricvehicles have their problems, namely, a limited driving range, and very fewrecharging points, which limited their use. Now, however, recent developmentsin electric vehicle technology mean they can match conventional petrol enginesin terms of performance and safety. Let’s not forgetthat electric vehicles are cleaner. Plus, importantly, the power source isrechargeable, so this does not involve using any valuable resources. Moving onto communications, very soon, cars will be linked to GPS satellites, so they’ll do all the driving for you. What controls remain for the userswill be audio-based, so, for example, you’ll just haveto say “a bit warmer”, and theair conditioning will adjust automatically. You’ll alsobe able to receive email, music and movies, all via an internet link. So justtype in the destination you want, sit back, sleep, watch your movie, whatever.
  Questions33-35 are based on the passage you have just heard.
  33. What is the presentation mainly about?
  34. What used to restrict the use of electricvehicles?
  35. What does the speaker say about electric vehiclesof today?

  Compound Dictation

  My favorite TV show? “The Twilight Zone.” I especially like the episodecalled “The Printer’s Devil.” It’s about a newspaper editor who’s being drivenout of business by a big newspaper syndicate – you know, a group of papersowned by the same people. He is about to commit suicide when he is interruptedby an old man who says his name is Smith. The editor is not only offered 5,000dollars to pay off his newspaper’s debts, but this Smith character also offershis services for free. It turns out that the guy operates the printing machinewith amazing speed, and soon he is turning out newspapers with shockingheadlines. The small paper is successful again. The editor is amazed at howquickly Smith gets his stories – only minutes after they happen – but soon heis presented with a contract to sign. Mr. Smith, it seems, is really the devil!The editor is frightened by this news, but he is more frightened by the idea oflosing his newspaper, so he agrees to sign. But soon Smith is reporting thenews even before it happens – and it’s all terrible – one disaster afteranother. Anyway, there is a little more to tell, but I don’t want to ruin thestory for you. I really like these old episodes of the Twilight Zone, becausethe stories are fascinating. They are not realistic. But then again, in a waythey are, because they deal with human nature.

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