
2013-06-18 00:00:00 · 作者:编辑部  


  BOY:dad,Im a bit worried about.disposing of unclearweapon

  DAD:if you can empty the dustbin here,.you can do anything


  第一段先解释文章的观点或者谚语,再加上一句漫画描述带一下既可。如本文中的From this picture, a little boy shows his worry about nuclear weapon while his father tells him to clear the dustbin.





  From this picture, a little boy shows his worry about nuclear weapon while his father tells him to clear the dustbin. Just like this picture conveyed , in this day and age, a growing number of people are concerning about the large matters like current affairs while ignoring the importance of details around life.

  If you wants to achieve great success or make great contirbution, small detials in life cannot be overlooked. First of all, doing small things could cultivate you a good habit in life and study, which may give you a positive mind to the future hardship. Meanwhile, large number of people more focus on how to great success than to deal with the details in life, as a result, they would fail in some day.

  As I can see, details is more curicla to one’s life and career. Although details hardly stand for the coming success, yet it would be playing a vital role in the process of purusit of success.

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