
2014-07-03 15:37:21 · 作者:编辑部  


Section C

Directions: There are 2 passages in this section. Each passage is followed by some questions or unfinished statements. For each of them there are four choices marked v4), B), C) and D). You should decide on the best choice and mark the corresponding letter on Answer Sheet 2 with a single line through the centre.

Passage One

Questions 56 to 60 are based on the following passage.

A new study shows a large gender gap on economic policy among the nation’s professional economists, a divide similar to the gender divide found in the general public.

"As a group, we are pro-market" says Ann Mari May, co-author of the study and a University of Nebraska economist. "But women are more likely to accept government regulation and involvement in economic activity than our male colleagues.”

“It’s very puzzling,” says free market economist Veronique de Rugy of the Mercatus Center at George Mason University. "Not a day goes by that I don't ask myself why there are so few women economists on the free market side.”

A native of France, de Rugy supported government intervention (干预)early in her life but changed her mind after studying economics. "We want many of the same things as liberals—less poverty, more health care--but have radically different ideas on how to achieve it.

Liberal economist Dean Baker, co-founder of the Center for Economic Policy and Research, says male economists have been on the inside of the profession, confirming each other’s anti-regulation views. Women, as outsiders, "are more likely to think independently or at least see people outside of the economics profession as forming their peer group," he says.

The gender balance in economics is changing. One-third of economics doctorates (博士学位)now go to women. "More diversity is needed at the table when public policy is discussed," May says.

Economists do agree on some things. Female economists agree with men that Europe has too much regulation and that Wal-mart is good for society. Male economists agree with their female colleagues that military spending is too high.

The genders are most divorced from each other on the question of equality for women. Male economists overwhelmingly think the wage gap between men and women is largely the result of individuals' skills, experience and voluntary choices. Female economists overwhelmingly disagree by a margin of 4-to-l.

The biggest disagreement: 76% of women say faculty opportunities in economics favor men. Male economists point the opposite way: 80% say women are favored or the process is neutral.


56. What is the finding of the new study?

A) The gender divide is a big concern of the general public.

B) Men and women understand economics quite differently.

C) The gap between male and female economists needs to be closed.

D) Male and female economists disagree widely on economic policy.

57. What does Ann Mari May say about female economists?

A) They are strongly against male domination in the economics profession.

B) They tend to support government intervention in economic activity.

C) They usually play an active role in public policy-making.

D) They are mostly strong advocates of free market economy.

58. What do we learn about economist Veronique de Rugy?

A) She represents most female economists' standpoint.

B) She devotes herself to eliminating women's poverty.

C) Her study of economics changed her view on government's role in economic activities.

D) Her academic background helped her get into the inner circle of the economics profession.

59. What does Ann Mari May imply about public policy-making?

A) More female economists should get involved.

B) It should do justice to female economists’ studies.

C) More attention should be paid to women’s rights.

D) It should aim at sustainable development.

60. On what issue do male and female economists differ most?

A) Government regulation. C) Military spending.

B) Job creation. D) Gender equality.

Passage Two

Questions 61 to 65 are based on the following passage.

The number of postgraduate students travelling from non-EU countries to study at UK universities has fallen for the first time in 16 years, fuelling fears that the government's immigration crackdown is discouraging thousands of the brightest students from continuing their studies in Britain.

Jo Beall, British Council director of education and society, said the fall would cause alarm among UK vice-chancellors (大学行政主管)."The sector was expecting a decline in growth, but the actual reduction in postgraduate numbers is of real concern as international students make up the majority of numbers in many postgraduate courses and research teams in science, technology, engineering and mathematics.”

“Attracting the brightest and most ambitious postgraduate and research students is critical if the UK is to maintain its quality reputation for research," Beall said.

Universities get a third of their tuition (学费)fee revenue from non-EU students. There is growing fear among vice-chancellors that this revenue- as well as the cultural, academic and economic benefit international students being - is being put at risk.

Tim Westlake, director for the student experience at Manchester University, said students whose families relied on them working in the UK after their studies to gain experience and repay the fees were starting to look elsewhere.

Last month the home secretary, Theresa May, announced that embassy staff would interview more than 100 000 applicants in an attempt to prevent bogus (假冒的)ones entering the country. She also said immigrants were responsible for pushing up UK house prices. The comments followed the introduction of new limitations on students' right to work during and after their studies.

Beall said: “Government statistics for the first time provide real evidence that the changes to UK visa regulations may have discouraged many students from applying to the UK, and in particular postgraduate students who are so important to the UK's research output. The UK enjoys an excellent reputation around the world for the high quality of our education system, so the government needs to ensure that institutions have all the support they need to attract international students who make a tremendous academic, cultural and economic contribution to the UK."


61. What has caused the decline of the number of non-EU postgraduates in the UK?

A) The increase in tuition and fees. C) Changed immigration policies.

B) The ever-rising living expenses. D) Universities’ tightened budgets.

62. What is UK vice-chancellors’ biggest concern?

A) How to obtain financial support from the government.

B) How to keep the academic reputation of their institutions.

C) How to prevent bogus applicants entering their universities.

D) How to stimulate the creativity of their research teams.

63. Why do UK universities try to attract postgraduate students from outside the EU?

A) A substantial part of their revenue comes from non-EU students’ tuition and fees.

B) Non-EU postgraduate students are usually highly motivated.

C) The number of UK postgraduate students has fallen sharply.

D) Some of the postgraduate programmers are specially designed for non-EU students.

64. What were the expectations of some non-EU students' families?

A) Their children could enjoy the UK’s cultural benefits.

B) Their children could find well-paying jobs upon their return.

C) Their children could become established academically.

D) Their children could work in the UK after graduation,

65. What does Beall suggest the UK government should do?

A) Allow promising international students to work in research teams.

B) Revise UK visa regulations to accommodate non-EU students.

C) Give universities adequate support to attract non-EU students.

D) Try to address the needs of international students in the UK.

Section C

Passage One


(56)最近的一项研究表明,美国经济学家在对经济政策的看法上存在着巨大的性别差异。这种类似 的差异我们也可以在公众身上找到。

"作为一个群体而言,我们是支持市场导向型的,"该研究的发起者之一,内布拉斯加大学经济学家 Ann Mad May这样说道。(57)"但是相比男性而言,女性更倾向于接受政府对经济活动的调控和干预。"

"这令人感到闲惑乔治梅森大学麦卡图斯中心的自由市场经济学家Veronique de Rugy说道。"每 天我都在问自己,为什么支持自由市场的女经济学家如此的屈指可数呢?"

(58)作为土生土长的法国人,de Rury, 在其早年曾支持政府干预,但在研究经济学之后,改变了自己的看法。"我们想要的很多东西同自由主义者想要的一样,即少一些贫闲, 多一些医保,但如何实现这一目标,我们同自由主义者有着截然不同的看法。"

美国经济政策与研究中心的创办者之一,自由主义经济学家Dean Baker表示,男性经济学家一直活动于经济学领域内’他们承认彼此的反政府干预观点。而女性,作为局外人,她们则更愿意进行独立思考,或者说更愿意与经济学界之外的人组成闭体。






56.【定位】由题干中的new study定位到文章第一段。

D) 【精析】事实细节题。第一段指出,最近的一项研究表明,美国经济学家在对经济政策的看法上存在着巨大的性別差异。換言之,男女经济学家对 经济政策的看法有很大差异,故答案为D)。

57. 【定位】由题干中的Ami Mari May和female economists定位到文章第二段。

B) 【精析】细节推断题。第二段第二句提到,相比男性而言,女性更倾向于接受政府对经济活动的调控和干预,故答案为B)。

58. 【定位】由题干中的Veronique de Rugy定位到文章第三、四段。

C)【精析】细节推断题。第四段第一句指出,de Rugy在其早年曾支持政府干预,但在研究经济学之后,改变了自己的看法,即学习经济学改变了她对政府在经济活动巾的作用的看法,故答案 为C)。

59. 【定位】由题干中的Ann Mari May和public policy-making定位到文章第六段最后一句。

A)【精析】综合推断题。定位句提到,在讨论公共政策问题时,需要有更多的差异性,从前文可以了解到,男女经济学家对经济政策的看法存在很大差异。由此可推断,此句暗示应有更多的女性参与 进来.故答案为A)。

60. 【定位】由题干中的differ most定位到文章第八段第一句。


Passage Two

(61) 从非欧盟国家到英国大学学习的研究生.人数16年来首次有所下降,这增加了人们对政府的移民 打击政策正在阻碍成千上万聪明的学生来英国继续其学业的担心。

英国文化协会教育和社会部主任Jo Beall说.旅英研究生人数的下降将给英国的大学行政主管们敲响警钟。(62)"该部门之前就预计到增长会有所下降,但实际减少的研究生人数却是真正令其担心的,因为国际学生在科学、技术、工程和数学等领域的许多研究生课程和研究团队中占据了较大比例。"

"如果英国想保持其研究质量的声誉,那么吸引最聪明和最有抱负的研究生和研究型学生是至关重要的",BcaH 说。

(63) 英国大学三分之一的学费收人来非欧盟学生。大学行政主管们对于国际学生带来的这种经济 收益正受到威胁越来越担忧。

(64) 曼彻斯特大学学生事务部主任Tim Westlake说,那些期待着学生完成学业后在英国工作以积累 经验并偿还学费的家庭,开始将目光投向其他地方。

上个月,内政大臣Theresa May宣布英国大使馆工作人员将面试超过10万名申请者,以防止假冒的 申请者进入英国。她还表示,移民应该对抬高英同房价负责。她的这些评论发表于政府推出对学生在其 学习期间和之后工作权利的限制政策之后。

Beall说政府统计数据第一次提供了真实的证据,英国签证规定的改变可能使得许多学生放弃申请 到英国学习,特别是对于英国研究输出非常重要的研究生。(65)英国教育体系的高品质在全球拥有极好的声誉,因此政府需要确保高校拥有它们吸引国际学生需要的所有支持,因为这些学生可以为英国作出巨大的学术、文化和经济贡献。"


61.【定位】由题干中的decline和non-EU postgraduates 定位到文章第一段。

C)【精析】细节推断题。定位段指出,从非欧盟国家 到英国大学学习的研究生人数16年来首次有所下降,这增加了人们对政府的移民打击政策正在阻碍成千上万聪明的学生来英国继续其学业的担心。由此推断,政府对移民的打击政策导致到英国学习的研究生人数下降,故答案为C)。

62.【定位】由题干中的UK vice-chancellors'定位到文章第二段。

B)【精析】推理判断题。第二段第二句指出,该部门之前就预计到增长会有所下降,但实际减少的研究生人数却是真正令其担心的,因为国际学生在科学、技术、工程和数学等领域的许多研究生课程 和研究团队中占据了较大比例。由此可推断,大学行政主管最担心的是如何维持大学的学术声誉,故答案为B)。

63. 【定位】由题干中的universities和from outside the EU定位到文章第四段。


64. 【定位】由题干中的non-EU students' families定 位到文章第五段。


65. 【定位】由题干中的Beall和government定位到 文章最后一段。


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