
2017-07-03 11:49:02 · 作者:编辑部  
新东方在线英语四级频道为大家整理了历年大学英语四级作文题目及范文,方便大家复习时参考,预祝大家高分通过大学英语四级考试。  历



  Directions: For this part, you are allowed 30 minutes to write an advertisement on your campus website to sell a bicycle you used at college. Your advertisement may include its brand, specifications/features, condition and price, and your contact information. You should write at least 120 words but no more than 180 words.


  As we travel by bike, we will see beautiful sceneries typical of the region, meet and make friends with different people and get to know the custom of the local people.Having worked hard throughout the weekdays, people will find a weekend trip to the nearby mountains or beaches a real relaxation, riding on the bike is best choice.In my opinion, the biggest advantage of traveling is we can learn much during our travel by bike about the geography, biology, and history of the places we visit. Therefore, you ’d better seize the chance to buy this bike so as to gain something meaningful.


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