
2017-07-04 11:15:56 · 作者:编辑部  
【→下载完整版四级真题答案←】  听力真题与原文答案(缺16-25题干)  1   A The man in the car was absent-minded  B The




  A.The man in the car was absent-minded

  B.The test driver made a wrong judgement

  C.The self-driving system was faulty

  D.The car was moving at a fast speed


  A.They have done better than conventional

  B.They have caused several severe crashes

  C.They have posed a threat to other drivers

  D.They have generally done quite well


  A.He works at a national park

  B.He is a queen bee specialist

  C.He romoved the Beyonce from the boot

  D.He drove the bees away from his car


  A.They were looking after the queen

  B.They were making a lot of noise

  C.They were looking for a new box to live in

  D.They were dancing in a unique way


  A.The discovery of a new species of snake

  B.The second trip to a small remote island.

  C.The finding of 2 new species of frog

  D.The latest test on a rare animal apecies


  A.A poisonous snake attacked him on this field trip.

  B.He discovered a rare fog on a deserted island

  C.A snake crawled onto his head in his sleep.

  D.He fell from a tall palm tree by accident


  A.From its genes

  B.From its length

  C.From its origin

  D.From its colour


  A.The security check takes time.

  B.He has to check a lot of luggage

  C.His flight is leaving in less than 2 hours

  D.The airport is a long way from the hotel


  A.In cash

  B.By credit card

  C.With a traveler’s check

  D.With his smart phone


  A.Give him a receipt

  B.Confirm his flight

  C.Look after his luggage

  D.Find a porter for him


  A.Signing up for membership of S Hotel

  B.Staying in the same hotel next time he comes

  C.Loading her luggage onto the airport shuttle

  D.Posting a comment on the hotel’s webpage


  A.He is the only boy in his family

  B.He becomes tearful in wind

  C.He has stopped making terrible faces

  D.He is his teacher’s favorite student


  A.Tell him to play in her backyard

  B.Do sth funny to amuse him

  C.Give him some cherry stones to play with

  D.Warn him of danger by making up a story


  A.They could break pp’s legs

  B.They could sometimes terrify adults

  C.They could fly against a strong wind

  D.They could knock pp unconscious


  A.One would get a spot on their tongues if they told a lie deliberately

  B.One would have to shave their head to remove a bat in their hair.

  C.One would go to prison if they put a stamp on uoside down

  D.One would have curly hair if they ate too much stale bread

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