
2018-06-16 18:16:18 · 作者:编辑部  





  Conversation 2

  A: Hi David, there is a new gym opening in town today. Would you like to go with me this afternoon?

  B: Yes, more than glad to. I haven’t been to a gym for ages, I need to do some exercise to tone up.

  A: Then this is a good chance. They sent me an invitation with a note saying I can take a friend for free on the first day. Also, if we both sign up before Friday, we can get a discount on a six-month membership.

  B: Great, count me in. I really want to lose some of these belly fat and turn it into muscle, but I’m not sure which of the gym equipment with best help.

  A: Well, I know expert of that, but I think you can try lifting weights and do at least 200 sit-ups twice a day.

  B: I’ve never tried weight lifting before. Is it dangerous?

  A: No, not at all. If you know some of the basics. Don’t worry, I’ll show you the rules. I used to practice this at another gym before my membership ended. I’ll be your personal trainer.

  B: Thank you. What other equipment do they have?

  A: Well like all gyms. They have all sorts of things to help build up muscles in different parts of the body, like up-ride bicycles, chest stretching machines, and running machines. You could use any of these to suit your purpose. Now the gym opens at noon, so can we meet up in town at 1:30 p.m.?

  B: Perfect, see you there, coach.

  12. What are the speakers talking about?

  答案:根据there is a new gym opening in town today可知,他们在谈论新开的健身房。

  13.What does the gym offer at its opening?

  答案:They sent me an invitation with a note saying I can take a friend for free on the first day. Also, if we both sign up before Friday, we can get a discount on a six-month membership.

  14. What is the man concerned about?

  答案:But I’m not sure which of the gym equipment with best help.

  15. What do we learn about the woman from the conversation?

  答案:If you know some of the basics. Don’t worry, I’ll show you the rules. I used to practice this at another gym before my membership ended. I’ll be your personal trainer.








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