
2018-07-02 11:20:54 · 作者:编辑部  
2018年6月英语四级翻译真题答案及解析(公交车篇)新东方在线  【真题】  公交车曾是中国人出行的主要交通工具。近年来,由于私家车数量






  The public bus was a major means of transportation for Chinese people. In recent years, the urban transportation problems have become more serious due to the increasing number of the private cars. In order to encourage more people to travel by bus, many cities have made efforts to improve the service quality of the bus. The vehicle facilities have been constantly updated and the vehicle speed has been greatly improved. However, the ticket price of the bus is still rather cheap. Nowadays, many local elderly citizens can take bus for free in most cities.


  (1) 公交车曾是(中国人出行的)主要交通工具。

  解析:出现“曾”字表明该句应该用一般过去时态;“交通工具” meastransportation vehicle;“出行”,译文“travel”更为恰当,当然译为“go out”也是对的。

  参考答案:The public bus was a major means of transportation for Chinese people.


  解析: “近年来” over / in the recent years;“私家车” private car;“问题”译为“issue”和“problem”都可;“严重”serious;“越来越”more and more。

  参考答案:In recent years, the urban transportation problems have become more serious due to the increasing number of the private cars.


  解析:“一直”表明用现在完成时态;“为了”表目的,用“in order to”;“鼓励” encourage sb. to do;“努力” 译为“try to do 或者 “make efforts to do”都可;“改善” improve;“服务质量” service quality。

  参考答案:In order to encourage more people to travel by bus, many cities have made efforts to improve the service quality of the bus.


  解析:两句考察被动句的翻译。“车辆设施”被“更新”;“车速”被“提高”;“车辆设施” vehicle facilities;“车速”vehicle speed; “显著” greatly / significantly;“不断” constantly两句都用现在完成时时态。

  参考答案:The vehicle facilities have been constantly updated and the vehicle speed has been greatly improved.


  解析:“票价” the ticket price;“相当” rather / very。

  参考答案:However, the ticket price of the bus is still rather cheap.


  解析:“乘坐公交车” take bus;“当地市民”the local citizens。

  参考答案:Nowadays, many local elderly citizens can take bus for free in most cities.

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