
2018-07-02 14:50:55 · 作者:编辑部  
2018年6月英语四级翻译真题答案及解析(地铁篇)新东方在线  【真题】  近年来,中国有越来越多的城市开始建造地铁。发展地铁有助于减少






  In recent years, more and more cities in China begin to build subways. Developing the subway is good for reducing the traffic jam and air pollution in cities. A growing number of people choose subway as their main means of transportation to go to work or school every day for its advantages of safety, fast speed and comfort. Nowadays, taking the subway is becoming more and more convenient in China. In some cities, passengers can use a card or a mobile phone to take the subway. Many elderly local citizens can also take the subway for free.



  解析:“近年来” in recent years;“越来越”more and more;“地铁” subway;本句难点在主干上,主干是“城市建造地铁”,切勿错认为主干是“中国有城市”。

  参考答案:In recent years, more and more cities in China begin to build subways.


  解析: “有助于” be good for;“交通拥挤” traffic jam ;“空气污染” air pollution;本题难点在主干上,主语是动名词“发展地铁 developing the subway”,很多同学很可能会写成“develop the subway”。

  参考答案:Developing the subway is good for reducing the traffic jam and air pollution in cities.


  解析: “具有优点” have advantages of ;“交通工具” means of transportation。

  参考答案:A growing number of people choose subway as their main means of transportation to go to work or school every day for its advantages of safety, fast speed and comfort.


  解析:主语是动名词“乘坐地铁 taking the subway”;本句考查正在进行时态。

  参考答案:Nowadays, taking the subway is becoming more and more convenient in China.


  解析: 考查短语 use sth. to do。

  参考答案:In some cities, passengers can use a card or a mobile phone to take the subway.


  解析:“当地市民” the local citizens;“免费” for free。

  参考答案:Many elderly local citizens can also take the subway for free.

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