
2018-07-02 14:54:15 · 作者:编辑部  
2018年6月四级考试听力&写作解析新东方在线  本次四级听力考试难度较去年略有提升,仍然延续了往年的出题规律。例如试听一致,基本上是听




  新闻听力方面,新闻首尾处是设题点容易出题,所以一定要精听首尾部分。此外得特别注意听力的转折处,往往也是设题点。需要考生特别注意精听一些听力原文中的高频转折词,如but, however, yet, instead, in fact等。例如在第一篇新闻听力中,我们听到了“But the woman say the rattlesnake terrified her on her ways”, 此处就应该精听but 之后的内容,也就是我们的答案。

  长对话部分,首尾部分必出题目,我们要先保证首尾部分的选择题不丢分。例如第一篇长对话的第一题和最后两道题目都需要精听第一轮(一问一答是一轮)和最后一轮对话。对话的中间部分,考生也应当对一些信号词敏感,例如转折词,因果词(because, reason 等),有关时间地点的词也应该高度精听,因为此处往往是设题点。

  篇章听力方面,大部分情况下,文章前三句和后两句是必出考题的。老生常谈,考生在听力原文开始的时候就要在考卷上边听边选,边听边划。听到什么选什么,反复听到的就是答案。除了转折词和因果词处需要精听外,还需要注意强调词(only, until), 这些信号词之后也往往是设题点。

  本次四级考试作文难度适中,看得出来四级考试作文越来越和考研作文话题接轨。例如本次考试的话题reading ability 就和2015年考研写作一的大作文读书话题不谋而合。按照惯例,仍然是“三段论”,最多不要超过四段,除非提纲中有点明“entitled”字眼,否则标题可写可不写,但是写错一定会扣分。写标题时,要遵循写作格式,标题首字母和实词首字母大写,而标题中的虚词字母是小写的。第一段仍然是引出话题,阐明读书能力的重要性;第二段可以着重分析提升读书能力的措施;结尾段可以来个对观点的总结概括。


  It cannot be denied that reading plays a key role in people’s growth and development in any era. The 21th century is a time of knowledge explosion and reading ability becomes increasingly important.

  How to develop reading ability? Based on this concrete and meaningful question, some steps should be taken. First and foremost, the main growth in your reading skill and ability will come from reading as much as you can do. Try to make a book list that you take interest in and make a practical plan. Just as the proverb goes that, “Don’t bite off more than one can chew.” Furthermore, a mastery of some reading skills is not only significant, but also indispensable. Some books are fit to do extensive reading while some others are suitable to do intensive reading. Meanwhile, other reading skills like skipping and skimming are also necessary.

  To conclude, reading is to humans’ spiritual world what water is to fish. Only through persistent reading can we enjoy the improvement of reading ability and learning ability.

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