
2018-12-15 14:07:07 · 作者:编辑部  





News 3

5. Potato chips in Japan are being sold for 6X their normal price. This is after the country‘s mainmanufacturer stopped sales due to a potato shortage. Storms and floods and itsmain potato growing region last year caused the worst harvest and more than 3decades. Local media reports suggest Calbee and its main rival Koike-ya arehalting almost 50 products.

“We don‘tknow when we’ll be able to restart”, a company spokesman said. Snack lovers arepanic buying and many supermarket shelves are bare.

6. Japanese laws limit the amount of imported potatoes that can beused in Japanese made products. Japan says fear of disease is its main reasonto block fresh imports. It stillonly allows potatoes from selected US states. This is only at certain times andon condition that they are processed at factories based near Japanese ports.

7. But global warming has raised the possibility that domesticproduce could be seriously affected by rare weather events more often.

Question5What problem is Japanfacing

开头设题 设题点为专有名词Japan翻译: 薯片价格为正常水平的6

Question6Why does Japan limitthe import of potatoes

设题点:观点表达 Japan says 翻译: 日本认为, 出于对病患的恐惧,禁止了土豆的进口

Question7What might affect Japanesedomestic produce

设题点:转折:全球变暖翻译:然而国内生产可能会被更为频发的罕见其后所严重影响, 全球变暖正在加大这种可能性。


22. When children start school for the very first time, parentsoften feel a sense of excitement, couple with a touch of sadness at the end ofan era.This is the start ofa new adventure for the children, playing and interacting with new friends,sharing, taking turns and settling into a new routine.

23. But of course, this is not the start of your child’s education,which in fact began at birth. Back then you would have been your child’s mostinfluential teachers. Duringthis time at home, your child would have learnt more than at any other periodin their life. During your child’s first year in school, much time will bespent in learning to read. They need to know that this is fun and worthwhile.

24. Your child will naturally copy you, so it is important that youare seen reading and enjoying books, newspapers and magazines rather than justabsorbed in screens.Ultimately, an excellent education should be a close partnership betweenparents and teachers. A child’s year splits fairly neatly into thirds: a thirdat school, a third at sleep and a third awake at home or on holiday.

25. In respect of quality of school, a child’s home life is of keyimportance. It is the determining factor of their academic success. Your child may have started on a newjourney but your work is far from finished.

Questions22-25 are based on the passage you have just heard.

22. Howdo parents feel when their children started going to school

段首出题, 很符合套路。翻译: 孩子刚上学时, 父母会感觉很激动,同时心底还有一丝难过。

23.Whatdoes the passage say about children’s education

设题点: 转折but。翻译: 上学并非起始于学校,而是出生的一刻, 在家中就已经开始了。

24.Whatshould parents do for the success of their children’s education?

设题点: 高调表达importance,点出父母应该以身作则, 为孩子树立良好模仿的榜样。

25. Whatdoes the passage say is the key factor of children’s academic success?









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