
2018-12-15 17:34:26 · 作者:编辑部  





News 1

A devicethat weighs less than one kilogram is part of a mission1 thatwill allow scientists to deliver fourth generation or 4G mobile coverage to themoon in 2019. Ifsuccessful, the tiny device will provide the moon with its first ever mobilephone network. The lunar network will support high definition streaming ofvideo and data between the moon and earth. The network is part of a mission tothe moon. This is a project with the goal of landing the first privately paidfor mission to the moon. The 4G mission is set to launch from Cape Canaveral inthe United States on a space X Falcon 9 rocket in 2019.2Mission to the moon intends to establish and test the first elementsof a communications network on the moon. The scientists working on the project opted to build a 4Grather than a fifth generation or 5G network. This is because fifth generationnetworks are still in testing and trial phases. This means that a 5G networkmay not yet be stable enough to work on the moon's surface.

Question1What are scientistsplanning to do?

【解析】根据问题,问科学家计划做什么,可定位到开篇that will allow scientists to deliver fourth generation or 4G mobilecoverage to the moon in 2019

Question 2Why did scientists choose to set up a 4Gnetwork in their mission?

【解析】 根据问题,问为什么科学家选择在他们的任务中建立一个4G的网络,可定位到Mission to the moon intends toestablish and test the first elements of a communications network on the moon


M1 Mr Brown‘s lectures are so boring.

WYes, he is not a very exciting speaker.But the subject is interesting.

MDuring every one of his lectures, I try tolisten I really try. But after about 10 minutes my mind begins to wander and Ilose concentration. But I see that you seem to be OK. How do you stay focusedthrough the entire hour?

WWell,2 what I do is keep my pen moving.

MWhat do you mean?

WIt's a method of active concentration Iread about. One of the most effective ways to concentrate is to write thingsdown. But it has to be done by hand, not typing on a keyboard. You see writingby hand forces you to actually engage with what you’re learning in a morephysical way.

MDo you review your notes afterwards then?

WSometimes but that's not important. Mynotes may or may not be useful but the point is that by writing down what MrBrand says I can follow his line of thinking more easily. In fact, sometimes Idraw a little too.

M3You draw in class and that helps me pay attention?

WYes,honestly it works for me. I just draw little lines and nonsense really. It was also in that article I read. Itcan keep the mind active, prevent getting bored and help to concentrate. Againthe point is to listen hard while keeping the pen moving. If I'm at home and I need to study what I do is read out loud.It has a similar effect to writing by hand. It helps memorize information in aphysical way.

Question8What does the manthink of Mr Brown‘s lectures?

【解析】根据问题,男人对布朗先生演讲的看法,可定位到对话开始Mr Brown‘s lectures are so boring

Question9What does the womando during Mr Brown‘s lectures?

【解析】根据问题,问女人在布朗先生的演讲中做了些什么,可定位至文章重伤what I do is keep my pen moving

Question10Why does the womandraw in class?

【解析】答案:根据问题,问女人为什么在课堂里画东西,可定位至男人的提问处,MYou draw in class and that helps me pay attention?

WYes, honestlyit works for me. I just draw little lines and nonsense really.

Question11What does the womansay about reading out loud?

【解析】答案:根据问题,问女人大声读出来的内容,可定位至对话尾回合,可知If I'm at home and I need to study what I do is readout loud. It has a similar effect to writing by hand. It helps memorizeinformation in a physical way.


  A Pew Research Center survey of more than 1000 Americans conductedin April 2016 finds that Americans continue to express largely positive viewsabout the current state of their local public libraries.1For instance around three quarters saythat public libraries provide them with the resources they need and 66 percentsay the closing of their local public library would have a major impact ontheir community. Although notably just 33 percentsay this would have a major impact on them personally or on their family. 2A majority of Americans feel libraries aredoing a good job of providing a safe place for people to hang out or spend timeas well as opening up educational opportunities for people of all ages androughly half think their libraries contribute a lot to their communities interms of helping spark creativity among young people and providing a trustedplace for people to learn about new technologies.As in past Pew Research Center surveys of library use the April 2016 surveyalso measured Americans usage of and engagement with libraries. 3Overall, 53 percent of Americans ages 16and older have had some interaction with the puppet library in the past yeareither through an in person visit or using a library Web site some 48 percentof adults specifically visited a library in the past 12 months.A modest increase from the 44 percent who said that in late 2015.

Question16What do most Americans say about local publiclibraries?

【解析】根据问题,问 美国人关于当地公共图书馆说了什么,可定位至文章开篇举例处,Forinstance around three quarters say that public libraries provide them with theresources they need and 66 percent say the closing of their local publiclibrary would have a major impact on their community

Question17how can local public libraries benefit youngpeople?

【解析】根据问题,问当地公共图书馆怎样对年轻人有益,可知文章中间段落A majority ofAmericans feel libraries are doing a good job of providing a safe place forpeople to hang out or spend time as well as opening up educationalopportunities for people of all ages and roughly half think their librariescontribute a lot to their communities in terms of helping spark creativityamong young people and providing a trusted place for people to learn about newtechnologies

Question 18what does the 2016 survey show about adult library users?

答案:根据问题,问2016年的调查显示了关于成年图书馆使用者的什么内容,可定位至文章结尾可得Overall,53 percent of Americans ages 16 and older have had some interaction with thepuppet library in the past year either through an in person visit or using alibrary Web site some 48 percent of adults specifically visited a library inthe past 12 months










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