
2018-12-15 18:05:36 · 作者:编辑部  





  Part I Writing

  评述:今年的写作题目总体较为简单,试题沿袭近两年的话题作文,题意理解上也没有设置障碍,词汇并不难理解, 题干中直接出现了主题词——The challenges of studying abroad(出国读书的挑战),The challenges of starting a career(创业的挑战),The challenges of living in a big city(在大城市生活的挑战)。该话题在近两年的写作考题中是有迹可循的,2016年12月四级写作涉及毕业生的选择,2017年6月六级写作,其中一篇选择出国读书还是读国内的大学。总体来说,本次写作难度不大,第一段抛出主题,说明毕业生面临的选择包括出国、创业等,同时点出其不可避免地会带来一些挑战。第二段展开两点或三点具体分析各种挑战。第三段总结,也可同时给出建议措施,如何迎接并克服各种困难。


  Directions: For this part,you are allowed 30 minutes to write a short essay on the challenges of living in a big city. You should write at least 120 words but no more than 180 words.

  One of the noticeable phenomena emerging in the contemporary society is that a growing number of individuals are sparing no efforts to live in a big city. However, living in a big city, from where I stand, may pose numerous challenges to us.

  The challenges which are brought about by living in big cities can be mirrored in the following aspects. On one hand, being a city-dweller, to some extent, means that most of us have to be confronted with fierce competition and the ever-increasing living cost, which may add extra burden to our daily life. On the other hand, it is universally acknowledged that the rapid industrialization and urbanization have taken a mighty toll on cities’ air, water and soil. Thus, the terrible ecological conditions in major cities will pose a potential threat to our health.

  Taking all these contributors into account, we can naturally draw a conclusion that due attention should be given to the challenges of living in a big city. Only in this way can we embrace a more brilliant life.


  Directions: For this part,you are allowed 30 minutes to write a short essay on the challenges of studying abroad. You should write at least 120 words but no more than 180 words.

  The past century has witnessed the steep rise in the number of Chinese undergraduates studying abroad in the context of globalization either for the purpose of a decent educational background or in the pursuit of freedom as well as independent lives.

  Despite the seemingly fancy experience, the challenge it possibly brings may not be merely restricted to a transition to totally new surroundings,but a course of adaptation in all respects. First and foremost, the language barrier tops the list of challenges of the life in a foreign country,which not only means to strive for a grasp of a new language, but more importantly and demandingly, to fit in with the authentic and idiomatic use of the language. In addition, as a foreigner, it is natural that you have no knowledge of the local custom and established practice. Under such circumstances, one tends to come across with various awkward situation and thus mistakes are bound to happen all the times.

  To tackle such problems, it is advisable for overseas students to make close observations and further enquiries. Dreadful as those challenges seem to be, there is no reason for us to shrink back at the sight for there is always a way.


  Directions: For this part,you are allowed 30 minutes to write a short essay on the challenges of starting a career after graduation. You should write at least 120 words but no more than 180 words.

  With the approaching of graduation, many graduating students have to make a significant decision about their future—to start a career or to continue their study. If they decide to start a career, they have to prepare themselves carefully for the challenges they may be faced with.

  First, college graduates have to transform their mentality from being a student with instructions of teachers and support of family to employees who often need to solve problems independently. Not to mention those who start their own career, they have to cope with everything by themselves. Second, to start a career means to take the initiative to do things and learn to plan our career. We are often given tasks and nobody will instruct us like tutors in school.

  In all, to start a career is totally different from the life in college. Be sure to consider the challenges carefully we may encounter in our career and make ourselves ready.

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