Directions:For this part, you are allowed 30 minutes towrite on the topic Changes in the Way of Education . Youshould write atleast 120wordsbutno more than 180words.
Changes in the way of eduction
As the internet is developing sorapidty. the way of educationkeeps changing and new forms of education emergesurprisingly . Especially during the pando mic of coronavirusonline education has become one of the most importantways of education throughout the world .
The changes in the way of education can be listed as followsFirst of all, compared with traditional offline teachingactivities, online education gives students the opportunity tostudy wherever they want, at home or in the park .
Moreover, the cost of attending online courses is normallylower than that of of ftineones. Besides, students can choosethe perfect time when they are available to attend classes,nsteadofstubbarnyfiing the time requi ed without thepossibility of doing any other important thing -From my perspective, the changes in the way of educationmainly lie in the good respect s.Asone of the fortunatestudents who Lr vein the age of internet and can get accessto online courses, I can'the lp exclaiming e it is the best oftimes .
The things people make, and the way they makethem, determine how cities grow and decline,and influence how empires rise and fal.So, anydisruption to the world's factories matters.
And that disruption is surely coming.Factoriesare being digitised, filled with new sensors andnew computers to make them quicker, moreflexible, and more efficient.
Robots are breaking free from the cages that sur-round them, learning new skills, and new waysof working.And 3D printers have long promiseda world where you can make anything, any-where, from a computerised design.That visionis moving closer to reality.These forces will eadto cleaner factories, producing better goods atlower prices, personalised to our individualneeds and desires.Humans will be spared manyof the dirty, repetitive, and dangerous jobs thathave long been a feature of factory life.
Greater efficiency inevitably means fewer peoplecan do the same work.Yet factory bosses in many devel aped countries are worried about alack of ski led human workers-and see automa-tion and robots as a solution.
But economist Helena Leu rent says this period ofrapid change in manufacturing is a fantastic op-portunity to make the world a better
place.“Manufacturing is the one system whereyou have got the biggest source of innovation,the biggest source of economic growth, and thebiggest source of great jobs in the past.“Youcan see it changing.That'san opportunity toshape that system differently, and if we can, itwil have enormous sign fi cance.
26.K) matters
27.G) flexible
28.M) promised
29.L) moving
30.0) spared
31.F) feature
32.H) inevitably
33.A) automation
34.D) fantastic
35.N) shape
36.[E] That comment ,say sMothering Justice director Dan-i elle Atkinson ,"wasmeanttoshame" po
37.[H] But the fact that 4in10Americanscan't come upwith$400inan emergency is a commonly cited statistic forgood reason : economic instability str er ches across race,gen-der,andgeography.
38.[M] According to the General Social Survey , 71 percent ofrespondents believe the country is spending too Little on"assistancetothepoor."
39.[J] The FrameWorks Institute ,aresearchgroupthatfo-c uses on public framing of issues , has studied what sustainsstereotypes and narratives of poverty in the United King-dom
40.[D] If these are the central characters of our story aboutpoverty , what layers of perceptions ,myths, and realities mustwe unearth to find meaningful solutions and support ?
41.[F] How many of us are poor in the U.S.?
42.[N] " Poverty has been interchangeable with people ofcolor-specificallyblackwomenand”blackmothers,"saysAtkinson of Mothering Justice .
43.[L] Negative images remain of whois living in poverty aswell as what is needed to moveoutofit.
44.[E] That comment ,say sMothering Justice director Dan-ielleAtkinson,"wasmeanttoshame”
45.[L] Those external factors include the difficulties accom-panyinglow-wage work or structural discrimination basedonrace,gender,orability.
46.C They did not become popular until the emergenceof improved batteries .
47.BThefaling prices of e bike batteries .
48.DIt will profit from e bike sharing
49.A Retailers 'refusaltodealinebikes.
50.D The younger generation’s pursuit of comfortable riding
51.B) Forests are fast shrinking in many developing countries.
52.Cit covers more phenomena
53.D Deliberate choice of words o ass
54.B For greater precision .
55.C Human activities have serious effects on Earth
People who Live in different areas of China have differentkinds of food . Those in the north mainly prefer food madeof flour while those in the south mostly eatrice. Along thecoastal areas , seafood and freshwater products makeupa considerable proportion of people 's diet whereas in otherplaces ,meat and diary products are more common . Theresidents in Sichuan ,Hunan and other provinces favourspicyfood,but the citizens in Jiangsu and Zhejiang arefondofsweetfood.However, owing to various cookingmethods , the same food might taste different.
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